Page 29 - October 2018
P. 29

We will be hosting Movie Nights the second
        Thursday of each month from October through to
        May.             Each movie begins at 7:00pm.
        Supported by the donations of attendees.                 Zone K - Zone Meeting

        Thank you for another great year!                                            th
                                                                    September 30 , 2018 @ 11:00 AM
        Watch for the monthly film titles starting with the             Hub City Control Flying Field
        October 2018 season opener!
                                                             The annual Saskatchewan (Zone K) zone meeting has
        October 11, 2018                                     been set for September 30 , 2018.  The meeting will be
                                                             held at the Hub City Radio Control Club (Saskatoon)
        The Great Waldo Pepper (Universal) 1975, Colour,     flying field maintenance building.
        107 Minutes
                                                             If you have someone in mind for Zone Director or
        A biplane pilot who had missed flying in WWI takes
        up barnstorming and later a movie career in his      Deputy director, please fill out the nomination forms
                                                             and SEND IN (can be sent electronically) NO LATER THAN
        quest for the glory he had missed, eventually
                                                             30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING DATE.  NO nominations
        getting a chance to prove himself in a film
        depicting the dogfights in the Great War             will be taken from the floor!  Forms can be obtained by
                                                             contacting Linda at the office.

                                                             Please email them to the office and c.c. the Zone K
                                                             There WILL be open flying to all who attend before and
                 Movie Pick of the Month                     after the meeting.

                                                             Saskatoon Club has a great flying site and are great hosts
                                                             so bring your flying machines along to the meeting.

                   (Click Movie Poster to watch Movie)
        During the Korean War, aboard the U.S.S.
        Princeton, Navy Commander Dan Collier reminisces
        about his first assignment on the same aircraft
        carrier in the war against Japan.
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