Page 31 - October 2018
P. 31

Remember the Jaycopter

                           Next RWF Meeting                                                                by Bob Petite
                          November 28 , 2018                        How many Albertans
                  at the Cathedral Neighborhood Centre              remember the Jaycopter
                                                                    that used to be on
                                                                    display near the
                                                                    Municipal Airport on
                                                                    Kingsway Avenue in
                                                                    Edmonton during the
                                                                    1960s and early 1970s?
                                                                   Edmontonian Peter Jacobs came up with the unique
                                                                   design and construction of a two-place electric
                                                                   motor-powered flying helicopter simulator calling the
               CBAA’s Canadian Pavilion                            prototype the Jaycopter.  The private company was
                                                                   first incorporated on June 1, 1959.  Working with his
        NBAA 2018 – October 16-18, Orlando, FL                     brother Leopold, they formed Jaycopters Ltd. and
                                                                   constructed the first helicopter attached to a boom
        We are pleased to offer our members exclusive space at     with a weight on the other end in the mid-1950s.  The
        the CBAA Canadian Pavilion at NBAA BACE 2018 October       helicopter was attached to a swivel joint and was able
        16-18 in Orlando, FL.
                                                                   to fly in any direction similar to an actual rotary-wing
        Connect with the international business aviation           aircraft.  The helicopter could take off and land with
        community and showcase your products and services,         little lift.  It was able to reach a height of seventy-six
        with the marketing and logistics support of the CBAA.      feet.  Jacobs patented his aircraft in Canada during
                                                                   1958 and in the USA in 1959.  Leo Jacobs was the first
                                                                   person to fly the Jaycopter in only 15 hours of self-

                                                                   training and found it very easy to control and fly. Pete

                                                                   Jacobs eventually demonstrated his invention to the
                                                                   RCAF in Ottawa, Ontario. Soon there was interest in
                                                                   the Jaycopter in the USA, Toronto, Vancouver, and
                                                                   overseas in England.  Jacobs formed a subsidiary
                                                                   company in 1959 called Jaycopters Recreation Ltd. to
                                                                   build amusement park 8 to 16 passenger carrying
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