Page 15 - October 2018
P. 15

TAKING THE STRAIN                                     Nevertheless, in spite of this experience, and if the
        Although Parachuting is becoming increasingly popular as an aeronautical   Orfordness experiments, and the decision of the German
        “sport”, it is being mainly developed on account of its life-saving possibilities.    staff to use parachutes, there were still doubters in this
        The crew in a machine that is about to make a forced landing, and perhaps
        crash, can often escape destruction if they take to their parachutes in time.   country who said that it would be impossible to get clear of
        The photograph above shows a parachutist just about to let go from a Vickers   an aeroplane if it were in a spin.
        Virginia heavy bomber.
        balloons, airships and aeroplanes.  Pegoud   Parachuting received a check at the   occupants had to jump after it
        who did things requiring the utmost       outbreak of the War except for the kite   had reached a considerable
        amounts of nerves and courage long before  balloon section.  For them the       height.
        anyone else attempted them, had shown     parachute was a necessity, and many   Among British parachutes
        that a pilot could get clear of an aeroplane   were the lives saved by this means.    experimenters must be
        in a flight and come down safely by       Usually the drops were made when the   mentioned Corporal East and
        parachute.  Circus performers gave displays  balloon was attacked by hostile aircraft;   Leading Aircraftsman Dobbs,
        at air meetings which were truly amazing   but sometimes they were made in      who was later to become
        for the times.  They jumped from a balloon   special conditions, as when a balloon   known as the most daring
        or airship carrying two or three parachutes,  broke away frim its cable and climbed
                                                                                        parachutist in the British
        and then cut themselves free from the first   so rapidly that the
        parachute to open another one, and so on,
        landing with the last parachute.

                                                                         BEARING THE LOAD
                                                  This photograph was taken a few seconds later than the one at the top of the page.  It will
                                                  be seen that the parachutist has completely parted company from his aeroplane and is
                                                  being drawn through the air by his now fully unfolded parachute, and in a short time will
                                                  once again have the pleasureable consciousness of terra firma beneath his feet.  The
                                                  development of parachute technique is now proceeding apace in the trayal Air force.
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