Page 40 - October 2018
P. 40

Say it with me now…sky…ex…ee. Skyxe.  Good job!
                                                   Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Our name is unique, but it is
                                                   full of meaning.  Let’s break it down a bit.

                                                        SK: Being from Saskatchewan, we have a sense of
                                                          pride and belonging unlike anywhere else.
                                                        SKY: We are the land of living skies. We have
                                                          incredible views of the Northern Lights, we get to
                                                          breathe in the fresh Saskatchewan air, and we

                                                          have the privilege of experiencing the most

                                                          amazing sunsets and sunrises. We want to share
                                                          the amazing Saskatchewan sky with the world.
                                                        YXE: You know it, you love it.
                                                   It’s all about the uplifting experience we’ll deliver – from
                                                   the moment you walk through our front doors to the

                                                   minute your flight takes off.
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