Page 41 - October 2018
P. 41

Unfortunately, I will no longer be accepting orders
         for ALPS-printed waterslide decals.  The last of my
         four ALPS printers is showing signs of imminent
         failure and my stock of consumables is nearly
         exhausted. With the printer behaving the way it is, I
         simply can't risk spending $1,500 on a restocking
         order of inks and paper.

         With a catalogue that topped out at 675 decal sets
         covering, 137 aircraft types, CanMilAir Decals
         processed 4,000 orders and sold over 11,000 decal
         sets, in 54 different scales (from 1:700 to 1:1 scale),
         to a total of 2,120 customers from 40 countries over
         a 13 year span.  I would like to take a moment to give
         my thanks to those 2,120 customers who made
         CanMilAir Decals such a huge success. Their              1/48 D.H. Mosquito Bomber Plastic Model Kit
         continued patronage proved that there is indeed a        Product ID: 80-3923
         healthy market for waterslide decals for Canadian        Overview
         military aircraft and naval subjects.                    Skill level: 5
                                                                  Scale: 1:48
         Going forward, CanMilAir Decals will continue the 1:1
                                                                  Length: 258 mm
         scale vinyl side of the business including those larger
                                                                  Wingspan: 342 mm
         RC scales that can use self-adhesive vinyl instead of    Parts: 222
         waterslide decals. There are also a few exciting
         Canadian military aircraft reference book releases on
                                                                  Biting Berlin
         the horizon that I will be involved with.

         For those out there with the passion and a graphics      The de Havilland Mosquito was one of the fastest
         background, there are literally thousands of original    and longest-ranged prop-driven aircraft of WWII.
         CorelDraw X3 vector artwork files, in multiple scales,   Its variants included recon planes, light bombers,
         currently residing on my hard drive.  These artwork      and night fighters-all roles at which it excelled. As
         files already feature multiple colour layers that, and   a light bomber, it flew faster and was more
         with a few simple alterations, would be perfectly        maneuverable than most enemies. It stayed out
         suitable for high quality silk-screen mass               of harms way and delivered precision strikes on
         production.                                              high-value targets. Including bombing a Berlin
                                                                  radio station on an important Nazi holiday during
         Serious enquires only.                                   Air Marshal Hermann Goring's speech! Kit
                                                                  features fine surface structures, choice of Merlin
                                                                  engine, and decals for 105 and 627 squadrons.
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