Page 27 - Nov2019
P. 27

Did You Know

                                                                The last Canadian killed in action in World War I was
                                                                Private George Lawrence Price, of the 2nd Canadian
                                                                Division, Canadian Infantry. He was killed at Mons at
  Question: What percentage of the combatant force in RAF
                                                                10.58 on November 11th, two minutes before the
  Bomber Command was killed in accidents?
                                                                armistice.  Officially, Price was the last Commonwealth
  Answer: "Air traffic control was primitive at best and air    soldier to be killed in World War One.
  traffic congestion incessant. For example, the overlapping
                                                               World War II was the most destructive conflict in
  traffic patterns at the 6 Group stations have already been
  mentioned, and with only the most rudimentary navigational    history.
  aids, mid-air collisions and ground impacts caused by spatial    It is estimated that 1.5 million children died during the
  disorientation were common place.                             Holocaust.

  "Also with thousands of young, relatively inexperienced air   The Korean war was the first war with battles between
  men at the controls of complex, multi-engine aircraft, there   jet aircraft.
  were a huge number of crashes very likely due simply to pilot   The truce talks lasted two years and 17 days.
                                                                There has never been a peace treaty, so technically, the
  "RAF bomber command had nearly 6,000 airmen killed in
                                                                Korean War has never ended.
  training accidents alone during 1943 and 1944. For the entire
  war period, accidents killed nearly 12 percent of the         Vietnam War may have been America's war but Canada
  combatant force."                                             was heavily involved — for and against.  Canada
                                                                harbored roughly 30,000 American draft dodgers. But at
  Source: No Prouder Place                                      the same time, about 30,000 Canadians volunteered to
                                                                fight in Southeast Asia.  Canada was also involved in
                                                                secret missions, weapons testing, arms production, and
                                                                the supervision of ceasefires.
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