Page 26 - Nov2019
P. 26

Should Art Museums Be More or a                                 The new definition also stressed championing
                                                                     “human dignity and social justice, global
  Gathering of Museum Leaders                                          equality, and planetary well being.”
  Refuses to Address the  Question
                                                                Ahead  of  the  Kyoto  conference,  24  national
  Museum directors and professionals from more                  branches  of  ICOM,  including  France,  Italy,
  than 100 countries have decided to postpone a                 Spain,  and  Germany,  objected  to  the  new
  decision whether to adopt a radical redefinition of
                                                                definition, with some critics arguing it was “too
  the role of museums. After a week of debate in                ideological”.  Others  worried  that  downplaying
  Kyoto, and pushback ahead of the International                education      in   particular     might     have    an
  Council for Museums’s annual conference in the
                                                                unintended  impact  on  public  funding  for
  historic Japanese city, delegates voted                       institutions in some countries.
  overwhelmingly against a contentious new                      Rather  than  vote  for  or  against  the  definition,
  definition that its critics argue is “too
                                                                the  Kyoto  conference  voted  to defer  the
                                                                decision.  It  looks  as  if  until  ICOM  meets  again
  The president of Paris-based ICOM, Suay Aksoy,                in three years time, the definition of a museum
  stressed that the vote did not mean an end of the             remains  as  it  has  been  since  2007,  with  the
  debate, rather a “new chapter” of the discussion              stress  on  institutions  acquiring,  conserving,
  about what a 21st-century museum should be.                   and  communicating  cultural  heritage  “for  the
                                                                purposes of education, study, and enjoyment.”
  In the vote at the global museum group’s 2019
  general conference, 70 percent voted in favor of              Speaking at the Kyoto conference, Sandahl said
  postponing the vote, with 28 percent against the              that  ICOM  received  a  total  of  269  proposals
  motion.                                                       from  69  countries  submitted  in  25  languages.
                                                                Ahead  of  the  conference, she  had  argued  that
  Aksoy stressed that ICOM was committed to                     being  silent  on  issues  of  the  environment  and
  updating its definition. “This is just another
                                                                in  denial  of  the  legacies  of  inequality  and
  beginning in this process of redefinition,” Aksoy
                                                                asymmetry  of  power  and  wealth  will  no  longer
  said in a statement, adding that the committee                be  sustainable  for  museums,  if  they  want  to
  working on a new definition will continue to meet.
                                                                stay relevant in the 21st century.
  She said that new ideas “will probably appear in
                                                                Some  professionals  in  Kyoto  questioned  the
  the new definition that will be an amendment of
  the proposed one.”                                            decision  to  delay  the  decision. After  the  vote,
                                                                Lonnie      Bunch,      the    secretary      of    the
  Work on updating ICOM’s museum definition began               Smithsonian,  warned  in  a  tweet:  “We  have  to
  after its 2016 conference in Milan. The committee             make sure that museums play a role in shaping
  charged with coming up with a new wording that                a more inclusive future.”
  reflects contemporary challenges and
                                                                The  president  of  the  American  Alliance  of
  environmental concerns was led by the Danish                  Museums,  Laura  Lott,  tweeted  in  support  of
  former museum director Jette Sandahl. The new
                                                                further  debate.  She  warned  that  “it  was  easy
  definition, which emphasizes championing                      for  us  in  the  US  to  say  the  global  definition
  democratic values, social justice, and human
                                                                should  change,”  but  its  impact  for  museums  in
  dignity, was announced in July, causing
                                                                other  countries  “has  not  been  sufficiently
  consternation among more traditional members.
  It was due to be put to the vote at ICOM’s Kyoto              Seema Rao, the author of Self Care for Museum
  conference, where 4,500 professionals from 120                Workers who works at the Akron Art Museum, was
  countries met last week. Traditionalists were                 underwhelmed. She tweeted that the “whole
  alarmed by the new definition, which declares that            definition thing feels farcical.” Rao suggested that
  museums are “democratizing, inclusive, and                    instead of having “arcane, esoteric conversations
  polyphonic spaces for critical dialogue about the             that just miss the point… [ICOM] should have
  pasts and the futures.”                                       asked visitors across the world what is a
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