Page 31 - Nov2019
P. 31

Indigenous Veterans

  National Indigenous Peoples Day is
  celebrated each year on June 21.
  Indigenous people in Canada have reason
  to be proud of their wartime
  contributions.  More than 7,000 First
  Nations members served in the First and
  Second World Wars and the Korean War,
  and an unknown number of Inuit, Métis
  and other Indigenous people also
  participated. One Veterans group
  estimates that 12,000 Indigenous men and
  women served in the three wars.
  Right:  Elders and Indigenous soldiers in
  the uniform of the Canadian Expeditionary
  Force during the First World War.
  (Photo: Library and Archives Canada PA-
          During the First World War, thousands of Aboriginal people voluntarily enlisted in the Canadian military. While
  the exact enlistment number is unknown, it is estimated that well over 4,000 Aboriginal people served in the Canadian
  forces during the conflict.

                                                     Joe Crow Chief and Nick King, near Fort Macleod, Alberta 1918
                                                     Glenbow Archives, NC-10-48

                                     107th Battalion, "A" Company, Subalterns
                   Lower left: Lieut. O.M. Martin, Upper right: Lieut. J.D. Moses
                                                        John Moses Collection

  About one third of First Nations people in Canada age 18 to 45 enlisted during the war. Métis and Inuit soldiers also
  enlisted; however, only status Indians were officially recorded by the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). Aboriginal
  soldiers served in units with other Canadians throughout the CEF. They served in every major theatre of the war and
  participated in all of the major battles in which Canadian troops fought. Hundreds were wounded or lost their lives on
  foreign battlefields. Many Aboriginal people distinguished themselves as talented and capable soldiers and at least 50

  were awarded medals for bravery and heroism.   Footnote1   Aboriginal women were active on the homefront, contributing
  to the war effort through fundraising and other means. After returning from service, many Aboriginal veterans
  experienced the same unequal treatment they experienced prior to the war. Aboriginal veterans were not awarded the
  same benefits as their non-Aboriginal counterparts.
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