Page 16 - July 2019
P. 16
For questions, or comments, or to leave any message with the
Directions: South of Kindersley on Ditson Drive, just past Motherwell Dam and Golf
Saskatoon Soaring Club please contact: SSC Mail
View Trailer Park on the West side
of Ditson Drive.
Vickers Wellington MK. I
SCALE & KIT: 1/72 Airfix
MODELER: Jaroslav Pomajzl
This is a kind of big day in our history, as it was 23 years ago
that FlightSim.Com first went online. The internet sure has
changed in all those years but there is still a need for the
The Wellington was used as a night bomber in the early
services that we offer to the flightsim community and we hope
years of the Second World War, performing as one of to continue doing so for many years to come.
the principal bombers used by Bomber Command.
During 1943, it started to be superseded as a bomber
We also just passed another milestone, having just added the
by the larger four-engined “heavies” such as the Avro 200,000th file to our download library. The file library has
Lancaster. The Wellington continued to serve
always been one of our most important features, as extending
throughout the war in other duties, particularly as an
your flight simulator with add-ons is the best way to keep it
anti-submarine aircraft. It holds the distinction of fun and interesting. Of course, we're just the library -- the
having been the only British bomber that was
place where the files get organized and stored. So a big shout
produced for the duration of the war, and of having
out to all those many creative people who actually created
been produced in a greater quantity than any other them and were generous enough to share their talents with
British-built bomber.
the rest of us.