Page 7 - May2019
P. 7

Arrow       II    P r o j e c t       S t a t u s
                                                                   R e p o r t

                                                                   Estimated Overall Completion: 60%
        The British Columbia Aviation Museum (BCAM) is 100%        Inspections to date - Fuselage: 1
        run by volunteers.  The Museum has over 600 members,       Funding: Aircraft   ($1,000,000)   50%
        and more than 90 volunteers. Volunteers perform all the                                   Hangar  $375,000)  50%
        essential roles for the day to day operation and           Volunteers:
        management of the museum.  Year round activities            Board                                                  12   Administration                                         2
        include accounting, advertising and marketing, eBay         Engineering                                     4   Drafting                                                          1
        sales, fundraising, maintenance of buildings and grounds,   Avionics                                              0   Mechanics                                                 2
        gift shop sales, website management, publishing the         Engines                                              1   Fabricators                                            12
        Norseman News, and constructing and upgrading exhibits      IT/Simulator                                 1   Pilots                                                                 2
        and displays.  We have a team of volunteers who run the    Tools: 100%
        library, and another team who provide guided tours for     Materials: 70%
        visitors.  And we even have a team of volunteers who       Facility Space: 100%
        clean the facility and take out the garbage!               P r o j e c t   S u m m a r y

        Another vital role for volunteers is that of aircraft      Achievements Attracted skilled and experienced
        restoration.  One visit to our hangars is enough to reveal   volunteers
        the years of dedication and hard work that have been       Greatly advanced engineering status
        devoted to historic aircraft that have been restored to    Wing and fuel tank assembly
        their former glory.  We are always looking for people with   Challenges Attract additional volunteers
        restoration skills such as electronics, engine maintenance,   Strategy Publicize our project online, in social media
        sheet metal, hydraulics, welding and woodwork.  We are     and on TV
        happy to train individuals who do not have these skills.
        Finally, BCAM has special events throughout the year that
        require large numbers of volunteers.  The events include
        our Annual Open House, Career Day, Kid Fest and our
        Parking Lot Sale.  At a typical Open House, 85 volunteers
        are on hand to help out in a variety of roles.

        The British Columbia Aviation Museum is run by an
        elected Board of Directors that is focused on effective
        operations and the long term success of the Museum.
        The British Columbia Aviation Museum provides
        education and enjoyment for the public and would not
        exist without the dedicated efforts of all its volunteers.

        Please consider joining the Museum and participating as
        a BCAM volunteer.
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