Page 9 - May2019
P. 9

Quick facts
        Ideally, Jelinski indicated that the society would like to      On February 28, 2019, the Government of
        raise $10 million over the next five years, which he              Canada announced an investment of $1.9
        concedes is hardly a modest goal.  He is, however,                billion over 24 years for the next generation
        optimistic as the group now has a deed on the building,           of smart, AI-powered space robotics for the
        although there are other tenants renting space as well.  If       U.S.-led Lunar Gateway.
        successful, there are plans to revamp the whole front end
                                                                        The Canadian government is also providing
        of the facility, even though he is well aware such plans
                                                                          $150 million over 5 years for the Lunar
        will take time and money.
                                                                          Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP).
        For more information, or to make arrangements for a               LEAP will fund the development and
        tour, visit                                  demonstration of lunar science and
                                                                          technologies in fields that include AI,
                                                                          robotics and health.

                                                                        The Junior Astronaut initiative includes

                                                                          space activities and a competition to train at
                                                                          CSA headquarters in Saint-Hubert, Quebec,
                                                                          with real astronauts.

                                                                        Canada's space sector currently employs
                                                                          10,000 highly skilled workers, generates
                                                         Written by
                                                                          $5.5 billion in Canada's economy annually,
                                                        Will Chabun
                                                                          and averages $2 billion in export sales.
        May 8, 2019 - Annual general meeting of the Regina
                                                                        Space generates lucrative commercial
        Airport Authority. Starts at 10 a.m. in Meeting Room 2 in
                                                                          opportunities for our companies. Morgan
        Queensbury Centre, 1700 Elphinstone St. Please RSVP by
        May 1 to                                     Stanley expects the global space market to
                                                                          triple in size to US$1.1 trillion by 2040.
        May 8, 2019 – Monthly meeting of the Canadian Aviation
                                                                        The Government of Canada has invested
        Historical Society, Regina Chapter.
                                                                          more than $2.5 billion since 2015 in
        Speaker: Dan Dempsey. (Note change of date.) Dan                  Canada's space sector, extending our
        literally wrote the book on Canadian military air                 participation in the International Space
        demonstration teams. This former Snowbird member and              Station, providing funding to the Canadian
        team commanding officer is the author of the book A               Space Agency to test technologies in space,
        Tradition of Excellence -- Canada's Airshow Team                  and helping Canadian companies scale up
        Heritage. Dan said he's willing to bring and sign copies of       through the Strategic Innovation Fund.
        his book's second edition for $90 each, a considerable

        saving from the original price of $125, but he'd like firm
        orders before he comes. If you will buy a copy, send a
        note to

        Venue: The Eagles Club, 1600 Halifax St. Presentation at
        7:30 p.m., supper with our speaker at 6:00 p.m. There is
        no charge to attend the presentation, though there is a
        $5 free-will "landing fee" to cover costs.
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