Page 20 - March 2018
P. 20

We Lose an Aviation Hero                          At  the  end  of  the  war,  Kutyn  returned  to
                                                                       Edmonton,  where  he  joined  the  post  office.
        It is a sad fact of collecting aviation heritage that we are losing
                                                                       But  he  missed  flying  and  in  1949  he  joined
        many of those who have contributed to that legacy.
                                                                       the  ranks  of  "weekend  warriors"  flying  with
         Such  is  the  case  with  Michael                            418 City of Edmonton Squadron.
         Kutyn,  who  died  January  3,  at
                                                                       Tragically,  Kutyn's  own  brother  John,  was
         the age of 95.
                                                                       killed in the crash of a 418 Squadron Mitchell
                                                                       bomber  in  January  1955,  but  Kutyn  himself
        Kutyn was a Word War II navigator who was awarded the
                                                                       says  he  was  never  fearful  about  his  own
        Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC), then returned to Edmonton
                                                                       safety  while  in the  air, despite the fact that
        where he flew for another 20 years as part of 418 (City of     he  was  involved  in three  crashes during the
        Edmonton) Squadron.
                                                                       war, and four more post war.
                                                                       "I had faith above I guess. I was never scared.
                                                                       I always felt like my life was in good hands,"
                                                                       he  told  our  Blatchford  Tales  Oral  History
                                                                       Project  in  2013.  "And  to  have  that  kind  of
                                                                       feeling  when  you  have  been  in  all  those
                                                                       airplane  crashes.  And  your  still  talking  to

        Growing up in Wildwood, just west of Edmonton he
        remembers being enchanted after seeing his first real                 Movie Pick of the Month

        "One Sunday as we were having dinner we heard this strange
        noise," he wrote in Diary of an RCAF Serviceman, a memoir of
        his years in the military. "It was an airplane flying directly over
        the house. It looked beautiful against the blue sky. From that
        moment on, my ambition was to fly airplanes."

        But after joining the RCAF in 1941 he changed his mind. He
        got into a spin during a solo flight. That incident scared him so
        much he decided to become a navigator instead.

        And what a navigator he was. After training in Britain, he
        finished at the top of his class with 87 per cent.  He was              (click poster to watch in YouTube)
        assigned to a special unit flying two Halifax bombers and two   The Way Ahead (aka "Immortal Battalion")
        Lancaster bombers to India, the first time British bombers     (1944) is a British Second World War drama,
        would make that trip.
                                                                       full length feature film, english. Cast: David
        In the fall of 1944 Kutyn was lead navigator for a 1000 aircraft  Niven, Stanley Holloway and William Hartnell.
        raid on the German city of Duisburg.                           The Way Ahead follows a group of civilians
        That  flight,  along  with  30  other  bombing  raids  in  which  he   who are conscripted into the British Army to
        served as navigator, earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross  fight in North Africa.
        in 1945.
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