Page 19 - March 2018
P. 19

I want this museum to stay around for a long
                                                                       time," he says. "It's our job to bring on the
                                                                       next people so it's important for me to pass
                                                                       the torch."
                                                                       Hitsman is particularly pleased to see several
                                                                       young women like Wong taking an interest.
                                                                       "During World War II, the woman were fixing
                                                                       the airplanes ... so this is really a place
                                                                       women are entitled to be, hence the name
                         Teens Help Preserve                           "Rosie the Riveter."
                   Edmonton’s Aviation Heritage

        Teenagers Christian Chenard and Sonia Wong are playing an
        important role in keeping Edmonton's aviation history alive.
        Chenard, 15, and Wong, 16, have joined the ranks of            Despite the new additions to our volunteer
        volunteers in the Alberta Aviation Museum's restoration        ranks, we are still very much in need of
        department.  They are following in the footsteps of dozens of   additional help to reach our goal of being one
        craftspeople who have turned piles of twisted wood, metal      of the finest aviation museums in Canada. In
        and fabric into an impressive collection of historic aircraft.   particular we are looking for:
        "Right now we are working on the restoration of a (Bell) P-39        Tour Guides & Interpreters
        Airacobra," says Chenard, a Grade 10 student who was caught          Grade 6 Education Program
        by the aviation bug about five years ago. "The machines are            Instructors
        just so fascinating. The fact that they can just get up in the air     Restoration Technicians and
        and fly and do all these amazing things is remarkable. And the         Assistants
        fact that I can work on them and make them look good, I find         Drop-In Program Facilitators
        that very interesting."                                              Special Event Assistants
        Wong, who attends Grade 11 and spends her days studying              Oral History Production Assistants
        academic subjects, loves the opportunity to work with her
        hands.                                                         You can learn more by attending our
                                                                       Volunteer Information Sessions.  Help us
        "Being able to work with a group of experienced individuals in
                                                                       spread the word about Edmonton's unique
        the museum with all these wonderful broken pieces of aircraft   and important role in Canadian aviation.
        is just amazing. Because there is so much to learn."

        Teaching them the intricacies of aircraft sheet metal
        fabrication is Don Hitsman, a 10-year veteran of the museum's
        restoration crew and a licensed air frame structures
        technician. Hitsman previously worked on the Museum's B-25
        Mitchell and is the go-to expert for all complex sheet metal
        projects. He takes his teaching role seriously.
        "With the young people I get reassured that all the work that
        we put into this place will get passed on.
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