Page 14 - March 2018
P. 14

Barry then approached
                                                                    the HHAS in wanting to
                                                                    start building in which
                                                                    they joyously agreed!
                                                                    Barry is an engineer
                                                                     genius! The pieces he
           The Harvard Historical Aviation Society celebrated its    has created in order to
           10th anniversary in 2017 and started into 2 restoration   make parts is mind
                                                                    blowing. The HHAS
           projects.  One is to restore a Tiger Moth back to flying
                                                                    Airspeed Oxford is
           condition and the other is to restore an Airspeed
                                                                    currently being built at
           Oxford to display status.
                                                                    the Hangar Museum
           The Airspeed Oxford was the main trainer during WWII     and when pieces are
                                                                   complete they will be moved to the Red Deer
           at #36 SFTS Penhold, AB.  The HHAS has parts and
                                                                   Airport / Springbrook to be stored.
           pieces from two Airspeed Oxfords in their possession
           as well as all the drawings for the aircraft.  The first   The Oxford will be assembled at the Red Deer
                                                                   Airport and then eventually put on display on the
           Oxford parts they collected were from Frank Thompson,
                                                                   upcoming museum building that the HHAS is
           an avid collector in south Saskatchewan.  It was soon
                                                                   planning to build.
           discovered that this particular Oxford actually spent
                                                                   This project of course takes not only years of time
           most of its life at #36 SFTS and so the HHAS felt as
                                                                   but also money. The HHAS is looking to raise $70K
           though they were bringing her home.
                                                                   to complete this project. If you would like to donate
           The HHAS got connected to Frank through George          towards the Airspeed Oxford project you can do so
           Ryning from Calgary.  George had a passion for the      by going to and clicking on
           Oxford and was also whom the HHAS received all the
           drawing from—22 binders full!  George was a long
           time member of the Calgary Aerospace Museum, now
           known as the Hangar Museum, in Calgary and a

           meticulous collector who wanted to see an Oxford
           built.  He felt the HHAS was the best bet for him to
           see that start to happen.  He gave the HHAS all the
           parts and pieces he had and any information and
           connections that would help.
                                                                          The Rudder
           Unfortunately George passed before he could see the
           start of Oxford restoration project.
           A good friend of George’s is Barry Halliway. The two of
           them had worked together for years on projects for the
           Aerospace Museum. Barry contacted Gary Hillman
           with the HHAS  a couple years ago as he heard that
           they had all of George’s drawing for the Oxford. He
           came and took a look at them, and then came again,
           and again. Soon the HHAS was sending the drawings                                       Barry & Jodi
           with Barry and he and his friend Joelle started scanning
           them and cross referencing them.
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