Page 10 - November 2017
P. 10
Royal Canadian Air Force to Assist In Historic move of rare World War 2 Bomber
In September 2017, after participating in the ceremony Quick Facts
marking the official transfer of ownership of Lancaster A combined team from the RCAF’s Aerospace
bomber KB882 from the City of Edmundston to the and Telecommunications Engineering
National Air Force Museum of Canada, the Royal Support Squadron (ATESS) and the National
Canadian Air Force recommenced work to dismantle Air Force Museum of Canada are dismantling
the aircraft and prepare for its transport to its new KB882. The work is expected to take three to
home in Trenton, ON. four weeks, and it is anticipated that the
RCAF will transport KB882 to Trenton by the
end of October 2017. This will be the third
time that KB882 will be worked on by ATESS
(and its predecessor 6 Repair Depot). The
aircraft passed through their skilled hands in
1954 and 1964.
When the aircraft arrives in Trenton, it will be
restored to her post-war Mark 10 AR (area
reconnaissance) configuration with the aid of
KB882 symbolizes the more than 50,000 Canadians donations and volunteer efforts. Restoration
who served in Bomber Command during the Second is expected to take five to seven years.
World War and the nearly 10,000 who lost their lives. When KB882 is on display for public viewing,
Equally important, though less well known than the
the National Air Force Museum of Canada will
Lancaster’s wartime service, is the aircraft’s major
be the only museum in the world to have in
post-war contribution to the RCAF’s Arctic patrol its collection a fully restored Handley Page
activities and aerial photographic work as Canada
Halifax and Avro Lancaster.
charted its wilderness. Today, that heritage lives on, in
the RCAF’s role as the Guarantor of Canadian Built by Victory Aircraft Ltd. in Malton, Ont.,
Sovereignty – in times of both peace and conflict. KB882 flew several combat missions over
Europe before returning to Canada in 1945.
“Lancaster KB882 tangibly represents the RCAF’s In 1952, the aircraft underwent a major
transition from war to peacetime activities. As the overhaul and conversion to area
RCAF looks towards its 100th anniversary in 2024, reconnaissance. Assigned to the photo-
Lancaster KB882 will serve as a valuable anchor for our reconnaissance role with 408 Squadron at
commemorative activities, and a beacon for the RCAF Station Rockcliffe, in Ottawa, in 1953,
preservation of RCAF and Canadian history and KB882 proved instrumental in the mapping
heritage.” and charting of Canada’s Arctic. The aircraft
— Lieutenant-General Mike Hood, Commander, Royal was also used as an electronic and
Canadian Air Force photographic intelligence gathering platform
“The National Air Force Museum of Canada is during the Cold War.
honoured to have been selected as the final resting
Shortly after retirement in 1964, KB882 was
place for this historic aircraft. KB882 will be reborn and
sold to the City of Edmundston where it has
proudly displayed as our premier exhibit celebrating been displayed at the Edmundston Airport.
the 100th anniversary of the RCAF on the 1st of April,
2024. Its appearance, along with our restored Halifax
Mk. VII bomber, will be unique in the world as our
museum will be the only one having both in a fully
restored condition.”
Chris Colton, Executive Director, National Air Force
Museum of Canada