Page 8 - November 2017
P. 8

Air Command (1975-2011)                     On September 2, 1975, the efforts paid off and Air
                                                               Command was created. With its headquarters in
         Although the Navy was
                                                               Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Carr as its first commander,
         the service most opposed                              Air Command controlled all air assets within the
         to unification, the Air
                                                               Canadian Armed Forces.
         Force received the
         shortest end of the stick                             The CF-1-1 Voodoo was Canada’s fighter jet after the
         and lacked even a                                     fall of the Arrow and it fought the Cold War armed
         command structure.                                    with nuclear weapons.
        The Air Force was spread out amongst five
        commands: Maritime (Navy), Mobile (Army), Air
        Defence, Air Transport and Training. No. 1 Canadian
        Air Division, which had been downgraded to 1
        Canadian Air Group, became part of Canadian Forces
        Europe.  But the division of air assets along functional
        lines just wasn’t working.   Air doctrine wasn’t being
        taught or upgraded. There was no central oversight of
        flight safety, and Maritime and Mobile Commands
        weren’t really “joint” but had become Navy or Army
        with Air Force assets attached to them.  Perhaps most
                                                               The 58 McDonnell CF-101 Voodoos, located at Air
        seriously, there was no voice for the Air Force,
                                                               Force bases from Comox, British Columbia, to
        especially when air assets were identified to take     Chatham, New Brunswick, were the main strike
        heavy hits during the 1973 budget cuts.
                                                               fighter against any incoming Soviet attack.
        Lieutenant-General Bill Carr, Deputy Chief of the
                                                               The Voodoo initially carried the Falcon missile and
        Defence Staff, was in a position to do something       then the Genie nuclear missile.  Flying at Mach 1.72,
        about it.  “Unification, when first announced, was, I
                                                               almost twice the speed of sound at 10,500 metres/
        felt, a good idea,” he said in a 2005 interview.
                                                               35,000 feet, the Voodoo kept the peace.
        “Within a few years it became apparent that the
        amalgamation of all the services had particularly
        impacted the aviation arm in a harmful manner…
        Morale also suffered considerably, and one of the
        main reasons was a lack of organizational identity.

        “We really needed to create a consolidated
        organization to properly administer all military
        aviation in Canada.

        “Two other key players were Major-Generals Dave
        Adamson [Chief of Air Operations at National Defence   Under Operation Peace Wings, Canada’s 56 surviving
        Headquarters] and Norm Magnusson [commander of         Voodoos were exchanged for 66 upgraded USAF
        Air Defence Command]. We had to move carefully         Voodoos; the cost difference was borne by using
        and produce well-reasoned arguments that would be      Pinetree Radar Line cost sharing credits.
        acceptable to both the Chief of the Defence Staff
                                                                                                     Information from RCAF
        [General Jacques Dextraze], who had an Army
        background, and the Defence Minister [James
        Richardson] who, coincidentally, had served in the
        RCAF during World War Two.”
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