Page 9 - November 2017
P. 9

The Cold War Ends                       and base organizations and three “lodger units”,
                 And The Campaign Against                      located on bases owned by the Royal Canadian Navy,
             Terrorism Begins (1989-PRESENT)                   Canadian Army or the Chief of Military Personnel.

        The Cold War dominated military planning for more                       Peacekeeping
        than 40 years. Although it is difficult to place the                           And
        beginning of the Cold War at a particular moment in                International Missions
        time, it is easier to identify its end. The Berlin Wall fell
                                                               Canada has been a leader in peacekeeping since the
        in 1989 and was reduced to rubble by the following
                                                               idea of a United Nations Peacekeeping Force for the
        year. The Soviet hold on eastern Europe had broken.
                                                               Suez Canal region was proposed in 1956 by Lester
        By the early 1990s, Canada had withdrawn its forces
                                                               Pearson, who was then the Canadian Ambassador to
        from Europe and closed its bases. A decade later,      the United Nations.
        Canada’s military was grappling with a world
        dominated by regional conflicts, fears of nuclear
        proliferation and terrorism.
           1 CANADIAN AIR

         In 1993, all Air Force
         bases were
         designated as
         wings.  Then, in
         1997, the Air Force
         consolidated all of                                   The peacekeepers were there to allow the
         its air groups into a                                 disengagement of British, French, Egyptian and Israeli
         single command                                        forces. The RCAF created 114 Air Transport Unit (ATU)
         and control entity                                    to fly Canadian and other United Nations Emergency
         named 1 Canadian                                      Force (UNEF) members from Italy to Egypt at the start
         Air Division; all     Capt Don Philip, a Sea King     of the mission, while 115 ATU operated in the Sinai
         wings across          pilot, deployed with HMCS       providing support to UNEF.
         Canada were placed  Winnipeg to the Gulf of
         under its             Oman in 2005 for Operation
         operational control.  Altair.

        With its creation, the Commander of Air Command
        moved to National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa,
        Ontario, and was given the additional title of Chief of
        the Air Staff, an office that had not been seen since
        the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces in 1968.

        2 Canadian Air Division/Air Force Doctrine and
        Training Division was established 2009, responsible
        for Air Force doctrine, individual training and
        education. The Division also commands two wings as
        well as several schools and training establishments. 1
        Canadian Air Division was re-focused on operations.
        In 2013 there were 13 wings; 10 owned by the Royal
        Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and acting as both wing
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