Page 4 - November 2017
P. 4

The First World War (1914–1918)                  Canadians took to combat flying so well that, by the
                                                               spring of 1918, the government of Prime Minister
        Canada entered the First World War on August 4,
                                                               Robert Borden pressed for the development of a
        1914. It did so because it was part of the British     wing, consisting of eight squadrons, for service with
        Empire, which was at war with Germany and the
                                                               the Canadian Corps in France. But Britain wanted to
        Central Powers.
                                                               keep talented Canadian pilots and groundcrew within
        Canada’s Minister of
                                                               the RFC and they succeeded in limiting the number of
        Militia and Defence,                                   Canadian squadrons.
        Colonel Sam Hughes,
        assembled the                                                            DID YOU KNOW…
        Canadian Expeditionary
        Force to fight overseas                                  Famed aviator Douglas McCurdy, who flew the
        on the Western Front,                                    Silver Dart in 1909, spoke to Colonel Sam Hughes
                                   Capt Arthur T. Whealy of
        cobbled together from                                     about forming a Canadian Air Force in August 1914
        militia units from            Toronto watches            when the First World War broke out. Hughes, not
                                    mechanics bomb up a
        across Canada.                                           yet a believer in air power, declared, “My boy, the
                                   Sopwith Camel from 203
        Hughes was initially        Squadron in July 1918.       aeroplane is the invention  of the devil…and will
                                                                  never play any part in such a serious business as
        unenthusiastic about air power until he met con man      the defence of the nation!”
        Ernest Lloyd Janney, who convinced Hughes to create
        an air force and put Janney in charge. Hughes created
                                                               The CAC was a corps in name only. In addition to
        the Canadian Aviation Corps (CAC) on September 16,
        1914, and made Janney provisional commander with       Captain Janney, it included Staff Sergeant Harry Farr,
                                                               an aircraft mechanic from Victoria, British Columbia,
        the rank of captain. Hughes authorized him to spend
                                                               and Lieutenant William Sharpe, a pilot from Prescott,
        up to $5,000 on an aircraft.
                                                               Ontario. That was the sum total of its personnel!
        Janney bought a second-hand Burgess-Dunne biplane
        in Massachusetts and a company pilot flew the          Janney was removed from the roll of the Canadian
        aircraft — with Janney as a passenger — to Valcartier,   Expeditionary Force in January 1915 when Hughes
        Quebec. After a hair-raising journey, the aircraft was   lost patience with him. Farr joined the Royal Naval Air
        disassembled and shipped to Great Britain where it     Service (RNAS), ending the war with a Distinguished
        gradually rotted away on the Salisbury Plain, near     Service Cross and a Distinguished Flying Cross.
        Stonehenge in England. By January 1915, the CAC had
                                                               Sharpe died in a crash in February 1915 while flying
        simply faded away.
                                                               with the Royal Flying Corps and his body was returned
        Despite the shaky beginnings of Canada’s air force,    to Prescott for burial. He was the first Canadian
        Canadians enthusiastically joined Great Britain’s Royal  military aviator to give his life in war.
        Flying Corps (RFC) and Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS).                                       Information from RCAF
        Canadian pilots serving in the British forces would
        truly astound the world with their flying and shooting
        skills, earning more than 800 decorations. Three were
        awarded the highly coveted Victoria Cross, arguably
        the most revered decoration for bravery in the world:
        Captain William (Billy) Bishop, Second Lieutenant Alan
        McLeod and Captain William Barker.
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