Page 3 - November 2017
P. 3

Remembrance Day 2017

           Remembrance Day falls on Saturday, November 11.

                   What Is                 Legion hopes to revive
            Remembrance Day                 history of First World
                                              War with launch of
         Remembrance Day evolved               poppy campaign
         out of Armistice Day, which
         continues to be marked on the
         same date. The initial
         Armistice Day was observed at
         Buckingham Palace,
         commencing with King George
         V hosting a "Banquet in
         Honour of the President of
         the French Republic" during                                          The red poppy has become a emblem
         the evening hours of 10
                                                                              of Remembrance Day due to the poem
         November 1919. The first
                                                                              "In Flanders Fields" written by
         official Armistice Day was                                           Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel
         subsequently held on the
                                                                              John McCrae. The custom spread to
         grounds of Buckingham Palace  In recent years, the iconic flower     Europe and Commonwealth countries
         the following morning.           has grown in popularity.
                                                                              within three years.
                                          In the last ten years, there has
                                                                              Poppies were worn for the first time at
                                          been an increase in people getting
               Remembrance Day                                                the 1921 anniversary ceremony.
          commemorates the sacrifices     poppies, and attending
                                          Remembrance Day ceremonies.         At first real poppies were worn as
              of people in all armed
                                                                              these poppies bloomed across some of
                    conflicts.            While the story is remembered in    the worst battlefields of Flanders in
                                          the history books, it’s otherwise
                                                                              World War I; their brilliant red colour
                                          often forgotten by people.
                                                                              became a symbol for the blood spilled
                                          They think of trenches, rats and    in the war
                                          mud, but what people fail to
                                          understand is, given how difficult
                                          it was, what Canadians and
                                          Newfoundlanders managed to
           Canadian Personnel             contribute was far beyond what
                     Killed               was expected of them.

            First World War:  66,665      While many remember the
           Second World War:  46,998      Second World War and more
                                          recent combat missions, we must
                   Korea:  516
                                          try to keep those older stories
               Peace Keeping:  121        alive.

                Afghanistan:  157
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