Page 2 - November 2017
P. 2
In This Month’s Issue
Prairie Planes
What is Remembrance Day and the Red Poppy
A personal letter to a loved one from home. The First World War 1914 - 1918
“Remembrance Day means a lot of different things to The Second World War 1939 - 1945
a lot of different people. This day is to honor our
heroes, to remember their achievements, their The Korean War 1950 - 1953
courage and their dedication, and to say thank you for The Golden Years 1950 - 1964
their sacrifices. But not only is today about those men Air Command 1975 - 2011
who have proudly served this country previously, it's
also about those who still stand at the front line The War Against Terrorism 1989 - Present
today, risking their lives to protect each and every Peacekeeping and International Missions
one of us.
CAHS – This Month in Saskatchewan Aviation History
The service members we honor today came from all
Alberta Aviation Museum – First Fundraising Gala
walks of life, but they share several fundamental
qualities. They possess courage, pride, determination, Movie of the Month
selflessness, dedication to duty and integrity – all the
Swift Current’s War Effort in WW2
qualities needed to serve a cause larger than one’s RCAF Station Assiniboia
North Battleford’s Airport
The heroes of my family have served since the Boer REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES AND PARADES
War and I would ask that on November 11 you take
a moment and reflect on your family’s heroes and Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame
others that have suffered so that you may enjoy your The First Helicopter in Canada
freedom…. I know I will.
General Aviation Safety Campaign Transport Canada
Tim Munro
Motivation of a Prairie Boy
by LCol (Ret’d) Dan Dempsey, CD
Model Aces
Flying and Your Body
by Blaine Mackie B.Sc.(bio), B.Sc.PT, Dip.Manip.PT, FCAMPT, CFT II
Did You Know
Reaching For the Virtual Skies
by Grant Wilson
High Flight
Kid’s Corner