Page 5 - July2017
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Rogers Eben Smith of the professionalism, skill and daring needed to be a fighter
Rogers Eben Smith is one of the most renowned test pilot in the RCAF. Its legacy lives on 50 years later in the form
pilots in the western world and has been recognized of names of sports teams, trophies, films and aircraft on
internationally as such by his peers for many years. He display in the trademark metallic gold and red livery of the
received his aeronautical engineering degrees from the “Golden Hawks” Sabres. CAHF’s 2015 inductee Col (Ret’d)
University of Toronto, following which he served as a George Miller flew with the team in 1962-63. The
fighter pilot in the RCAF. A lack of test flying contribution of the “Golden Hawks” to Canada’s aviation
opportunities led him to the National Research Council’s story was profound and well merits the award of the Belt of
National Aeronautical Establishment (NAE) where he was Orion..
involved with automated stability trials on helicopters.
Dual citizenship allowed him to accept an offer from
NASA to join its test pilot program and then the Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory where he was heavily engaged in
developing fly-by-wire systems. A return to the NAE as
chief test pilot was followed by 18 years at NASA’s Ames
Research Center in California, from which he retired as
chief pilot and director of flight operations. His
experimental test flying there has been characterized as
being at the frontiers of knowledge. Known as one of
theDual citizenship allowed him to accept an offer from
NASA to join its test pilot program and then the Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory where he was heavily engaged in
developing fly-by-wire systems. A return to the NAE as
chief test pilot was followed by 18 years at NASA’s Ames Painting the Panel Lines of your Aircraft Model
Research Center in California, from which he retired as
chief pilot and director of flight operations. His Once you have completed the
experimental test flying there has been characterized as paint scheme of your airplane
being at the frontiers of knowledge. Known as one of the model kit, it's time to tackle
“Canadian mafia” among test pilots worldwide, he went the panel lines. Properly
on to work for SAAB, EADS and Dornier and to lead the painted panel lines add
Society of Experimental Test Pilots. realism and detail to the
exterior of the aircraft model.
The Royal Canadian Air Force “Golden Hawks”
The Royal Canadian Air Force “Golden Hawks” aerobatic The best results can be
team will receive the Belt of Orion Award for Excellence. achieved by pre-shading all
The RCAF “Golden Hawks” aerobatic team was formed in the panel lines of the airplane
March, 1959 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of flight in model kit before overlaying it
Canada and the 35th anniversary of the RCAF. It was the with the final paint scheme.
first official Canadian national aerobatic team and its Keep in mind that in order for
mandate was to showcase RCAF capabilities to the this technique to be
Canadian public. The “Golden Hawks” were to operate successful, all surface paint OIL PAINT + VARSOL MIXTURE
Canadair F-86 Sabre Mk 5 aircraft from RCAF Station must be completely dry
Chatham and to exist for one year. From a standing start, with an added application of clear coat.
the team under the leadership of S/L Fern Villeneuve
(CAHF 2006 inductee) developed a brilliant non-stop For this tutorial you will need to acquire Varsol, which can be
program featuring new formations and routines not purchased at your local hardware store, and some artist oil
previously used and had an extremely successful 1959 paints. Most modelers prefer to use Raw Umber and Iron
airshow season. Though stood down at the end of the Oxide Black, which can be mixed together or used
season, popular demand resulted in the team’s individually. In order for the wash to flow properly into the
reinstatement and it embarked on an unparalleled record panel lines, joints and corners of the airplane model kit, the
of success until it was disbanded in 1964 after 317 shows,
paint mixture should be very thin.
a 100 per cent serviceability rate and an estimated 15
million spectators. The legendary team became a symbol