Page 1 - The School of Research Science
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                    1. OUR SCHOOL                               5
                        Message from Principal                  5
                        Vision and Mission                      7
                        Home School Community                   8
                        Responsibilities of Parents             9

                    2. CULTURAL AWARENESS                       11
                        Unique Environment                      11
                        Salat                                   11
                        Special Events                          11

                    3. DAILY ORGANISATION AND ROUTINE           12
                        The School Day & Timetable              12
                        Entering the School in the Morning      14
                        Registration and Late Students          15
                        Break and Lunch time Procedures         15
                        Lunch at School                         16
                        Extreme Weather Arrangements            17
                        End of the Day Arrangements             17
                        Attendance                              18
                        Absenteeism                             19
                        Prolonged Absence and Academic          20
                        Expectations for Absences

                    4. EXTENDED PROGRAMMES                      21
                        Learning without Boundaries             21
                       (including School Trips)
                        Student Leadership                      22
                        Student Happiness                       23
                        Healthy Lifestyles                      24
                        School Trips/Field Trips                25

                    5. POSITIVE BEHAVIOURAL EXPECTATIONS        26
                        General Expectations                    26
                        Rewarding Positive Behaviour and Effort    27
                        Important Guidelines for Students       28
                        Uniform                                 32

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