Page 7 - The School of Research Science
P. 7
5. Life skills: We believe in the importance of self-esteem,
leadership, empathy, team-work and other life skills. Therefore,
we are committed to developing these skills in our students so
that they become highly effective national and global citizens.
6. Partnership: We believe that constructive partnerships based on
trust between school board, students and parents are essential
to the success of all the work we do.
SRS has a strong sense of community. This is based on traditional Islamic
family values, a care and concern for every individual and a belief in
Many visitors to SRS comment on the feeling of well-being; that the
children seem very happy and also remark on the friendliness and
helpfulness of the staff. The staff of SRS build good relationships with the
children and many have pastoral strengths.
They enjoy spending time with students outside the classroom through
the many clubs and activities on offer.
The friendships that students make with each other are a very important
factor as they develop into confident and competent young people.
We want them to leave SRS with a self-esteem that is intact, knowing that
it is good to be you and not be carried along by the crowd.
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