Page 3 - The School of Research Science
P. 3

11. SAFETY AND SECURITY                     67
                        Health and Safety Policy Statement      67
                        Off-Site Visits and Educational Trips    67
                        Child Safety/Protection                 68

                    Appendix 1                                  69
                    Appendix 2                                  71

                              KEY TERMS AND ACRONYMS

                    RSL      Raising Standards Leader
                    RSLA     Raising Standards Leader Assistant
                    SEND     Special Education Needs Department
                    LWB      Learning Without Boundries
                    EWA      Extreme Weather Arrangements
                    GT       Gifted and Talented Programme
                    BYOD     School IPad/Bring your own Device
                    IPC      International Primary Curriculum
                    BSO      British Schools Overseas
                    ICT      Information Communication Technology
                    PE       Physical Education
                    STEM     Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
                    CEIAG    Careers Education Information Advice and
                    PDC      Persondal Development Curriculum
                    EYFS     Early Years Foundation Years

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