Page 2 - The School of Research Science
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6. ACADEMIC PROGRAMME                       34
                        The Curriculum                          34
                        The Arabic Curriculum                   35
                        The English National Curriculum         35
                        US Curriculum Section  – Grade 9 to 12   36
                        The National Curriculum Comprises       37
                        The National Curriculum                 38
                        SRS Learner Profile                     46
                        Homework                                49
                        Careers and Information                 51

                        Assessment                              52
                        Reporting                               52
                        Target Setting                          53
                    8. COMMUNICATION                            54
                        Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)      54
                        Communication Technology                55
                        Contacting and Coming into School       56
                        Parent Complaints and Grievances Procedure    57
                        SRS Board of Governors                  59
                        Partnership                             59
                        Parent Voice                            59
                        Parent Support Groups                   59

                    9. GENERAL SCHOOL RULES AND INFORMATION     60
                        School Rules                            60
                        Valuables                               61
                        Animals and Pets                        61
                        Celebrations                            62
                        Lost and Found                          62
                        Pastoral Care                           62
                        Student Counsel and Other Forums        62
                        School Trips (Rules and regulations)    63
                    10. THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY AND SERVICES       64
                        Medical Information                     64
                        Administration of Medicine in School    65
                        SRS Food Services and Healthy Eating Expectations    65
                        Student Snack/ Lunch                    66
                        SRS Café                                66
                        School Bus Service                      66
                        Traveling to and from School            67
                        Bus Pick-Up/Drop-Off Central Points     67

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