Page 5 - UNIT 3
P. 5

An extensive and important
              Input pathways:                                 afferent pathway.

              (1) From other parts of the brain:

              The   corticopontocerebellar   pathway
              originates  in  the  cerebral  motor  and
              premotor cortices and also in the cerebral
              somatosensory cortex. It passes by way of
              the  pontile  nucleus  and  pontocerebellar
              tracts mainly to the lateral divisions of the
              cerebellar  hemispheres  on  the  opposite
              side of the brain from the cerebral areas.

              Other  afferent  tracts  originate  in  each
              side of the brain stem (tronco cerebral):

                  a)  Olivocerebellar  tract:  goes  from
                     the  inferior  olive  to  all  parts  of
                     the  cerebellum  and  is  excited  in  the  olive  by  fibers  from  the  cerebral  motor  cortex,  basal
                     ganglia, widespread areas of the reticular formation and the spinal cord (because basal ganglia
                     and red nucleus are receiving information from the spinal cord). The neurons synapse in the
                     dentate nucleus.
                  b)  Reticulocerebellar  fibers:  these  originate  in  different  portions  of  the  brain  stem  reticular
                     formation and terminate mainly in the vermis.
                  c)  Vestibulocerebellar  fibers:  these originate  either  in the  vestibular  apparatus  or  in  the  brain
                     stem vestibular nuclei. Almost all terminate in the flocculonodular lobe and fastigial nucleus of
                     the cerebellum. The neurons synapse in the fastigial nucleus.

                   Afferent: arrives.
                   Efferent: leaves.

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