Page 4 - MTAA 2019 Federal Election Requirements FINAL MST_opt
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2. Summary - Specific partnership initiatives
People, Skills and Training
The next Australian Government should develop an automotive industry
blueprint, a Sector Strategy, in consultation and partnership with the
Automotive Sector, including future training and skills requirements.
Recognise specific automotive sector training and skill requirements and
the important role of automotive sector industries specific training
providers in policy and government funding.
Balance government funding to public, automotive sector specific and
private training organisations – ending the ‘pendulum’ funding swings
between public and private training providers.
Make permanent mentoring programs for Australia’s automotive
apprentices to ensure hard fought gains in retention are sustained.
Exclude Group Training organisations from any National Labour Hire
Licensing Scheme.
Industry specific partnered and government funded programs to:
✓ Promote the value of automotive apprenticeships and increase
apprentices through dedicated and funded national secondary
education pathways programs.
✓ Improve support measures and incentives to hire and retain
automotive apprentices, including those from diverse and non-
traditional backgrounds.
Make industry specific changes to Australia’s skilled migration policy and
program that reduce costs to automotive businesses, improve its
accessibility and responsiveness to better meet critical skills shortages.
Introduce meaningful industry-led VET advisory councils; KPIs to TAFE
institutes to engage with industry; and fair and uniform enforcement of
VET regulation.
Click here for further details:
People, Training, Skills and Mentoring
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