Page 5 - MTAA 2019 Federal Election Requirements FINAL MST_opt
P. 5
Better Automotive Business Environment
The next Australian Government should develop an automotive industry
blueprint, a Sector Strategy, in consultation and partnership with the
Automotive Sector, including any plans for future government policy
intervention that is likely to impact the automotive sector, industries within
it, and the makeup of the national vehicle fleet including continuing up take
of electric vehicles.
Abolish the Luxury Car Tax. Or as a last resort introduce a four ‘R’ Strategy;
- Reduce the tax down
- Raise the threshold to $125,000
- Remove accessories as part of initial purchase price
- Review what constitutes a luxury item and include true luxury products
(marine cruiser, planes, etc.) and determine appropriate thresholds.
Make permanent or extend to three years instant asset write down
Strengthen and make illegal unfair contract terms and conditions and
change emphasis on determination of unfair terms or conditions to
dominant market participants to demonstrate fairness rather than
requirement for small business to demonstrate.
Prevent further increases in industrial manslaughter laws.
Review the effects of vertical and horizontal integration in the motor vehicle
insurance and smash repair industries.
Remove Stamp Duty and Payroll Tax (achieved by increase of GST receipts to
States / Territories from reviewed GST).
Ensure payment for domestic violence leave does not become the
responsibility of employers.
Commit to a review of the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code and the
procedural fairness process.
Click here for further details:
Better Automotive Business Environment
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