Page 17 - Sales RM Recruiting Playbook
P. 17

Candidates selected for lineup will
                                                                                     appear in manager’s inbox as ‘manager
                                                                                      screen’. Do not proceed/decline until
                                                                                      AFTER you interview the candidate.
                                                                      10 business days from
   To start recruiting    Recruiter posts req   Identify candidates/   posting date, 1 round
   process, hiring manager                      recruiter phone screen  lineup with RM
   opens req

                                                                                       Create a Position & Req
                                                                      7 business days after
      Area Director          Ride Along          Gallup Interview       1 lineup: Sales   Territory Profile
       Interview                                                      Scenario + 1 round
                                                                                       Acute Care Job Descriptions
                                                                                       Emergency Care Job Description
                                                                                       Sage Sales Job Description
                                                   Determine          Background check is
     On-Site Interview:   Final Feedback Session
   Kalamazoo/Redmond/Cary                       Compensation/start   initiated (~10 business   Viewing Applicants
                                                 date; Extend Offer     days to clear)

                  To open a backfill OR expansion, click on Create Job Req.  Backfill: Select ‘For Existing Position’ and select prior employee from drop down.
                                                       If the prior employee’s name does not appear, select ‘Create New Position’.
                                                       Expansion: Select ‘Create New Position’ and it will create both the position and the req.
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