Page 72 - Fairbrass
P. 72

the  Knight,  with  an  uneasy  glance  at  the
                            swallow,  who,  now  that  the  Church  was

                            quiet,  flew  in  again  through  the  window

                            with  a  piece  of mud  in  her  bill.
                                  ( Why,  coming  to  church,  I  suppose,'
                            said  Fairbrass,

                                  'Y e s ,f  said  the  Knight,  (that's  what

                            most  people  call  religion  ;  but  it  isn’t/
                                 And  here  the  swallow  neatly  placed  a
                            patch  of  mud  underneath  the  poor  Knight’s


                                  i There  !  ’  said  the  Knight,            4 That’s
                            what  your  friend  the  swallow  comes  to
                             church  for.         Do  please  explain  to  her,

                             Fairbrass,  that,  as  she  doesn’t  give  any­
                             thing  towards  the  expenses,  she  has  no

                             right  to  throw  mud  into  the  face  of  a
                             constant member of the congregation, whose

                             friends paid lots  of money for him  long ago. ’
                                 The  swallow  only  required  the  kindly

                             hint  given  by  Fairbrass,  and  immediately

                                  ‘ What  I  want to  know,’ continued  Fair­
                             brass,  * isj  why  doesn't  coming  to  church
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