Page 72 - Fairbrass
P. 72
the Knight, with an uneasy glance at the
swallow, who, now that the Church was
quiet, flew in again through the window
with a piece of mud in her bill.
( Why, coming to church, I suppose,'
said Fairbrass,
'Y e s ,f said the Knight, (that's what
most people call religion ; but it isn’t/
And here the swallow neatly placed a
patch of mud underneath the poor Knight’s
i There ! ’ said the Knight, 4 That’s
what your friend the swallow comes to
church for. Do please explain to her,
Fairbrass, that, as she doesn’t give any
thing towards the expenses, she has no
right to throw mud into the face of a
constant member of the congregation, whose
friends paid lots of money for him long ago. ’
The swallow only required the kindly
hint given by Fairbrass, and immediately
‘ What I want to know,’ continued Fair
brass, * isj why doesn't coming to church