Page 76 - Fairbrass
P. 76

friend  was  getting  the  best  of  the  argument
                           — (that  well-to-do  people  do  not sometimes

                           envy  the  poor.        Why,  only  last  night  my
                           mother  read  aloud,

                                     ‘  “   1  would  1  were  a  milkmaid,
                                           T o   sing,  love,  m arry,  churn,

                                         Brew*  bake,  and  die,"
                           and  then  said,  “  There,  that’s  exactly what

                           I  feel.” '
                                * Bosh  ! ’  said  the  Kneeling  Knight,

                           ‘ Most  of  the  time  she  was  in  church  this
                           morning  she  was  wishing  she  was  more

                           expensively  dressed,  and  that  she  could
                           entertain  her  friends  in  the  same  style  as

                           her  more  wealthy  neighbours.                Milkmaid
                           indeed  !      She  wouldn’t  keep  the  place  a

                           week* ’
                                ‘ And  my  father/  said  Fairbrass,  taking

                           no  notice  of  this  not  very  polite  remark,  ‘ is
                           very  fond  of  repeating:  “ Happy  men  are

                           full  of  the  present,  for  its  beauty  suffices
                           them ;  and  wise  men  also,  for  its  duties
                           engage  them,'1         And  I  thought of that  this

                           morning,  and  felt  certain  he  was  happy.

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