Page 79 - Fairbrass
P. 79
great, Oh, if I could only be a mighty
orator ! ’
‘ Ah 1 F the Kneeling Knight replied
compassionately, ‘ I knew that was certain to
be your pet wish, for the simple reason that
you caiVt speak. All human beings who
are worthy of the name set out with a desire
for what they never can attain/
'And I shall never be of any use in the
world,' sighed Fairbrass.
' Hush !' said the Kneeling K n igh t;
1 don't say that, but listen to this.’
Unperceived by Fairbrass, some of the
younger choristers had been brought into
the church for hymn practice, and now, to
the soul-stirring1 accompaniment of the great
organ, the boys1 fresh voiccs sang :
( I f on our daily course our mind
Be set to hallow all wo find,
New treasures Still, of countless price,
God will provide for sacrifice.
‘ Tlie trivial round, the common task,
W o u ld furnish alJ w e ought to ask,
Room to deny ourselves* a road
T o bring us daily nearer God.1