Page 80 - Fairbrass
P. 80
f There ! ' said the Kneeling- Knight;
‘ you go home and do that, and you will
have done a bigger thing than most men.
Oh, how much happier the people who
come to this church would be if they could
take comfort out of the blessings that each
day brings with it, and would make use of
the opportunities that each hour affords.
Instead of that, men vex their weary souls
about fame and money, and women worry
their pretty heads about society and the
( It’s all very well for you to talk/ said
Fairbrass. ‘ It’s a case of sour grapes with
you. You know very well you can't get
any new clothes* and so you make out that
you don’t want them/
‘ Bless the la d ! ’ said the Kneeling
Knight. ‘ Does he think I want to kneel
here in a frock-coat and a top hat ! No,
Fairbrass. If ever you marry, you tell
your wife that a wise man once said :
“ Fashion is gentility running away from
vulgarity, and afraid of being overtaken by