Page 75 - Fairbrass
P. 75

all  the  clergymen  tell  them  that  the  next
                                     world  will  be  a  far  happier  place  than  this,’

                                          *      Y es/  answered  the  Kneeling  Knight  ;
                                     ( but  none  of them— not even  the  clergymen

                                     themselves—are  in  any  hurry  to  live  in  it.
                                     You  ask  the  doctors.         They’ll  tell  you  how
                                     hard  they  all  try,  directly  they  think  they

                                     are  near  it,  to  keep  out  of  it.’

                                          ‘ That’s  very  strange,1  said  Fairbrass,
                                          ‘  It’s  very  true,'  replied  the  Kneeling
                                     Knight;  ‘ and  the  men  who  are  least

                                     anxious  to  try  the  change  are  the  doctors

                                          ‘ Then  I  don’t  believe  people  are  half  as
                                     unhappy  in  this  world  as  you  think  they

                                     are/  said  Fairbrass.         * If  they  are,  why  do
                                     they  want  to  stay  here ? ,

                                          ‘ I ’m  quite  certain/  said  the  Knight,
                                     ‘ that  people  are  not  nearly  so  unhappy  as

                                     they  suppose  themselves  to  be,  but  then,  if
                                     you  really  believe  a  thing—however ridicu­

                                     lous  it  may  be— it seems  to  be  a  fact,1
                                          £ You  are  wrong,  though,  in  saying/

                                     said Fairbrass—who seemed to think that his
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