Page 3 - Student: dazed And Confused
P. 3


                I'm not going to lie -  enough  people are doing that to you already.  My student days weren't
               the best days of my life, and  anyone who tells you they were the best of theirs are lying.
               And  if they try to convince you they will  be the  best of yours, well they're... you know the
                I spent seven years at the University of Birmingham and five of those were on a Creative
               Writing degree, which I graduated from in 2009 with a 2:1 with honours.  The most powerful

               feeling that came over me on that ceremonial day -  relief.  I  had worked so hard for so long
               and  I could  never see the end  but suddenly,  here  I was -  25 years old with a diploma  in my
                hand that I couldn't believe was real.  Sometimes,  I still can't quite believe the years of toil
               and graft are over but my photographs prove that they are.  I can't believe that I did as well
               as I did  because some of the  other students seemed to work so much  harder than  me but
               the success I've had  proves I deserved  it.

                University is expensive,  long, depressing at times, slave-driving and full of stress and change
               when you're totally not ready for it.  Not lying.  There are always parties and you can skip

                lectures without getting detention; life outside the  lecture theatre is buzzing.  Also not a  lie.
                But students rarely have time to take in much of that in -  not if you're determined to get
               the best degree you can.
               Which I did.
               About half of my course was dedicated to proper creative writing, stories,  poems and such.
               The other half was more theory based, studying writers and techniques.  I didn't like the
               theory parts because that didn't seem important -  still don't actually -  but they had to be
               done.  You can't pick and choose which assignments to do.  Imagine how easy uni would  be
                if that was true...  I could  have coasted five years just making stories up !  But you can't just
               cruise  it.  Twenty seven grands worth of fees and you just drink them all away or something.

                No.  For that kind of money, you want to work.  Make it worth something.

               And that's kind of the  reason I wanted to put this book together.  It is to help any student
               who wants to read  my ramblings on any given subject or maybe who just want to reassure
               themselves that their grades could  be worse !  I will  include the assignments,  both creative
               and critical, that I  have.  Where possible,  I will also include tutor comments and the mark I
                received.  Not all of those comments were deserved -  some were downright bitchy and  kind
               of stupid  really -  yeah,  I'm still  bitter and twisted about the whole deal  but there it is.  Over
                now.  Oh, and  in case you start wondering,  I skipped the first year.  That's why there ain't

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