Page 5 - Student: dazed And Confused
P. 5
T h e tale o f th re e
The first time I spoke to the dead, I was gifted - touched. I felt special. The first time
I told someone I spoke to the dead, I was branded a crazy and became a social outcast.
Soon enough, I started to believe what everyone was saying about me and shut myself away
in my room. The power of words strikes again.
I'm alone in this - even though there are other people like me, I feel them. Not hacks
like 85% of so-called psychics and mediums, but people who were born with this curse or
blessing. People who think I'm just acting out ask why I don't try to make money out of it,
but I'm not in it for glory. It's wrong, and I wasn't given this strange ability to abuse it.
Sometimes, I hear so many voices talking to me at the same time that my head feels
like it's about to explode. It's a big burden to carry on your own. When you hear so many
voices all trying to be louder than the's driving me crazy !
The first time I realised what I could do was the day of my sister's funeral. I was
leaning over her coffin, stroking her hair and telling her how sorry I was that it hadn't been
me instead of her - we were hit by a truck where the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel -
when she said that she forgave me and she was okay now.
Look, there I am. Hello me.
I'm down there, but I'm here too. How is this possible? I get the felling that I'm on
my way to somewhere, that I have something to do, but there's no-one here that can tell
me. I'm sure I'll find out.
He won't.
I'm okay now. You don't have to worry anymore. I'm safe; nothing can hurt me
now. I won't even go away when they bury me - I'll still be here. somewhere.
Her lips hadn't moved and her eyes hadn't opened. I knew I was the only one who'd
heard it. It was only meant for me.
I cried at the funeral. It was saying goodbye for the final time for everyone else but I
think I felt it more because she'd just spoken to me. After that more and more people
who'd died came to talk to me. A lot of them just wanted the company - by all accounts,
the afterlife isn't the most sociable of times - but some came with messages from the
higher powers, telling me that all my questions would be answered soon. Until then, I had
no questions, but now I've got loads. Perhaps they'll be answered in time, but perhaps it'll
be sooner.