Page 9 - Student: dazed And Confused
P. 9
"They'll never be quiet. The dead always come."
"No e n d . more always."
That was my reward. To be real again - even if it was only for a while. To be able to
see my brother and help him. It was special, but it wasn't long enough. I've still got things
to say to Adam, and now I'll never get the chance to.
They let me have a quick look at him to make sure he had made the journey back
safely. I think he might understand what's going on in his head now, even if no-one else
An alarm clock rings out by his bed - I can't hear it but I can see it shaking. He
always looked like a kid when he woke up, and that hasn't changed. I want to touch him but
I can't. "Everything's gonna be OK," I tell him, but he doesn't hear me. An older woman in a
white uniform with blue trim lets herself in, opens the curtains and helps him up.
More time must have passed than I thought because, when I look outside, first light
is breaking. I think talking to Sarah and that man has answered my questions. It feels like I
know everything I should know but everything's still jumbled up. And I still don't know
where the others are - people who understand.
I know I'll have to go soon; people will start to wonder about me. I start to fade out,
like they do in the movies, and as I go, I see the man turn back to the wall and start
scratching his signs again. I don't know the language, I doubt he really knows, but I know
it's important.
^av yo
yipX ^aXX Sowv ane SeaS vow aneaK ro ^e a a^ Sa^ vor xoXS a a^ rnavK ^ou
^eava vornivy ewep^rnivy yipX iv yooS nXa%e
aa^ ^e %pa£,^ fu a r pearivy
reapa a%pea^ivy owep vow I pearivy we pearivy
Translation of sections entitled Man.
Head hurts people all inside not hunt too many too many to think too many to move
lie still wait be quiet be still and quiet and no people