Page 6 - Student: dazed And Confused
P. 6


                       I don't know how I  knew that I'd  be able to speak to him, or how I  knew he'd  be able
               to hear me, but I  knew anyway.  Maybe I was told  by some higher power, or maybe  I was
               just trying my luck.  I'm kinda  inclined towards the subconscious voice theory.  I think that
               everyone has thoughts and  power in their sleeping brain which only surface when that
                individual is least aware of it and, as such, unable to put their waking constraints on to their
               thoughts.  God, don't I sound  like the introductory psychology textbook?
                       The point is that maybe he was able to hear me because  he was too upset to try and
                rationalise it.  I'm just speculating here,  but what if?  Makes you think, doesn't it?  I  mean,
               what if we actually knew that things everyone doubts are true,  but we don't give them the
               time of day because it sounds so ridiculous?  Could  happen.
                       I got hit by a truck -  a frikkin' truck of all things !  I got banged  up really bad;  I  reckon  I
                must've because, you  know, I died.  And  I wasn't angry.  It was like  I was flying and  it was
                painless, fearless.  I  had one regret about going before I was ready, though.  I think I  had the
               same power as him.  I don't know why I  had  it or where it came from,  but it was mine.  I
               guess it's not so special that I still  have it now.  Maybe it was a sibling bond that told  me
                he'd  hear me, or maybe people  like  us have some  hidden part of our brains that recognise
               each other.  But I  never told anyone about it.
                       My power was a secret, something to hide,  but I always wondered  how I got it.  Was
                I  born with  it, was it luck, was it something I caught like a cold?  Was I  meant to have it?
                Even  if I do get answers, it's too late to help him.


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                       i ^eeX vornivy fu a r neXnXeaa


                       I think I'm dreaming,  but I  know I'm not.  I've come to redefine the word weird over
               the years but this is still  up there with goblins and toasters that work properly.  At first I
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