Page 2 - William_Shakespeare_-_The_Merchant_of_Venice_191
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               Editions and Printing Dates:
               First Quarto (Q1), 1600. The Most Excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice.
               Second Quarto (Q2), 1619. The Excellent History of the Merchant of Venice.
               Third Quarto (Q3), 1637. The Most Excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice.
               First Folio (F1), 1623; Second Folio (F2), 1632; Third Folio (F3), 1663; Fourth Folio (F4), 1685

               Punctuation Key

               Punctuation Key:
               a) All line numbering and text references generally follow The Merchant of Venice, Oxford
               Edition, edited by Jay L. Halio, 1993.
               b) Text found within {special brackets} is a reference to the text as found in Q1.
               c) Text which follows ‘ / ’  or ‘// ’ indicates alternative renderings.
               d) Words found within + single brackets , indicate text which was not found in the original yet
               which was suggested by, or which clarifies, the original.  Words found within ++ double brackets
               ,, indicate text which has been added to the original and which was not indicated nor suggested
               by the original text.
               e) Text found within jopen square bracketsk was not found in the original but is directly indicated
               by the original.
               f) Text found within [brackets] indicate text which is found in the original but which is suspect.
               g) An arrow ‘ > ‘ indicates a commentary on the text
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