Page 383 - Child's own book
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this he was conducted to the stables, where he felt  and stroked
                          the  horses,  and  was  very  inquisitive  to  know  whAt  they  ateT
                          especially as  he  offered  them  an  orange which  he  had  in  his
                          pocket,  which they refused.  When he  was  a little acquainted
                          with them, he was easily persuaded  to mount on  one of them :
                          and  being informed  what a noble,  docile^ and  useful  animal  it
                          was^  he  was  desirens  to  send  one  to  his  uncle,  Kaa  Kook, to
                          whom,  he  said, he was sure  it would be very  useful.  Captain
                          Churchill  of  the  Walpole,  arrived  at  Macao, while the  crew
                          were  waiting for a  permit and a vessel to carry them to  Canton*
                          and  obligingly  offered  them  a  passage,  which  was  gladly
                          accepted.  Captain  Wilson  left  only the  chief  mate  and  five
                          or sis men  with  the Orookmg, till she  was sold.
                             "When  they  arrived  at  Canton, on  Le Boo  being  placed  at
                          table with  the  Company's servants,  the gla?s vessels of various
                          sorts,  particularly the  chandeliers, excited his admiration.  Tea
                          was a favourite beverage  with him  from bis  first tasting  it, but
                          he was not fond of coffee :  nevertheless, he said he would drink
                          it if the captain desired  it,  ot  thought it woutd  be  conducive  to
                          his health.  He  saw an  instance, while at  Macao, that gave him
                          an entire aversion to spirituous liquors ;  one of the seamen was
                          much intoxicated, and Lee  Boo  supposing him really to be very
                          ill, earnestly entreated  Mr, Sharp to  prescribe  something For his
                          relief;  but when  he was  informed of the nature  of his disorder
                          his anxiety for the poot  fellow  ceased ;  and  after  this he could
                          never  be  prevailed  on  to  taste spirits,  saying  it  was not drink
                          fit  for gentlemen :  a very just  observation,  and well worth  the
                          attention  of the  epicures of  the present age.   Raving disposed
                          of  the vessel at  Macao,  Mr. Benger and the  otheTmen, in com­
                          pany of  Mr,  McIntyre, went  up  to  Canton in  a  country  boat.
                          While  Le  Boo  remained  at  Canton,  he  showed  his  dex­
                         terity in  throwing the spear, before several gentlemen who had
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