Page 385 - Child's own book
P. 385
during their passage to England. Lee Boo was so courteous
and amusing during the voyage, that every one wag willing to
oblige him, and to repay him with attention and kindness, lu
this account of our young prince, the reader may perceive the
advantages of a courteous behaviour in youth, in acquiring the
esteem of a new acquaintance* Other good qualities may make
people respected, hut they cannot be beloved without amiable
manners ; and this fact we particularly recommend to the atten
tion of youth, who in general seem to disregard it. Whenever
the Morse met with a ship at sea, Lee Boo would inquire the
nam&, which he repeated over and over until he hadfixed it strong
in his memory ; and as each inquiry was answered, he tied a
knot in his line. But at last these knots grew so numerous that
he was obliged to go over them eveiy day, to keep them in his
mind; and at such times was often obliged to apply to somebody
on board, to recover the circumstance that some particular knot
was intended to perpetuate ; when thus employed, the officers
of the Morse (with whom only he would associate), used to say
he was r&ading hiajournal. He used often to inquire after the
people that had been at Pelewf particularly Mr. Sharp, and one
of the captains sons. Soon after Lee Boo was on his journey
from China 10 England, he saw the use and necessity of learning*
and desired the captain to procure him a boot, and point out to
him his letters. This the captain readily performed * and had
the satisfaction of seeing his pupil improve very rapidly, and
neglecting no opportunity of instruction. May the youth of
this enlightened nation take example from this amiable unen
lightened young prince, and as they increase in years, endea
vour to increase in knowledge also! then shall the task of the
teacher be easy and comfortable.
As they drew near the British Channel, Lee Boo was sur
prised at the number of vessels pursuing their different courses.