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called  mother ;  and  when  he  was  often  desired  to  say  Mrs.
                           Wilson,  he would  say,  “ No,  no— mother,  m other;"  thinking
                           that  the  most  respectful  term  he  could  distinguish  her  by,
                           although  he  very readily called  Mr,  Wilson  captain.  -A tone
                           visit, a young  lady  present  sat  down  to a  harpsichord,  to noticc
                           what effect the music would have  upon  Lee Boo.  He was much
                           surprised  ;  and  on  the harpsichord  being  opened,  he  cautiously
                           noticed  the motion of the jacks, and  was very desirous to under­
                           stand  the  nature  of  it,  ;ind  from  whence  the sound  proceeded.
                           His  disposition  was naturally mild  and  compassionate (as  were
                           his  countrymen  in  general),  which  was  proved  in various in­
                           stances.   When he  saw  an  old  beggar, he  would  say,  (< Must
                           give poor old  man,—old man no ahle to work ; ”  but young beg­
                           gars he  rebuked ;  thus using judgment and discretion  in  all  his
                           proceedings.  I le soon became disgusted with his servant Boyam,
                           who  turned  out a very unworthy fellow, and  desired  the captain
                           to  send  him  back  to  the  Malay  country.   Toni  ltose  (the in­
                           terpreter  to  the  English  at  Pelew)  was  therefore  appointed
                           to  attend on him  in  Jloyam's  room,  which  greatly pleased  the
                             One  time  when  dining with  a  party, among whom  was  Mr.
                           Keatc, among other  conversation,  the  subject  of  painting  was
                           introduced,  to notice  the  effect  it would  have on  Lee  Iioo.  A
                           miniature painting  of  Mr.  Keate was produced,  and wirelessly
                           handed  to  the prince,LC Misser Keate, Misser  Keatc— very nice,
                           very good/’  The  captain then asked  him  if he  knew the mean­
                           ing of  it.  “ Yes,"  said  he,  “ Lee  Boo understand  well— that
                           Misstr  Keate die,  this  Misser  Keate  live/*  It  is  worthy  of
                           remark that a treatise on portrait-painting could not have penned
                           it  better than  this  answer  of  the  princc.  Captain  Wilson  was
                          subject to a severe  head-ache,  and  at  times was  obliged  to  lie
                          upon  the bed  for relief.  Lee  Boo  was so sensibly affected at the
                          indisposition  of his  kind  guardian,  that  he  would creep softly
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