Page 24 - NYC Imagine Awards Journal
P. 24

Leadership Excellence

      Gretchen Buchenholz, Executive Director                                         Gisele Castro, Executive Director
      Association to Benefit Children                                                 exalt
      419 East 86  ST, New York, NY, 10028                                            17 Battery Place Ste 307, New York, NY, 10004
      (212) 845-3821 |                                                  (347) 621-6100 |
      Gretchen Buchenholz, one of the country’s leading child advocates, has served as the executive   exalt elevates expectations of personal success for court-involved youth ages 15-19 by combining
      director of the Association to Benefit Children (ABC) since she co-founded the organization in   a rigorous curriculum with highly structured paid internships focusing on three core pillars:
      1986. ABC  serves  vulnerable  children  and  families  with programming concentrated  in East   1)  criminal justice avoidance;  2)  academic progression;  and  3)  employability.  exalt students face
      Harlem and the South Bronx, serving the “whole child” from cradle to adulthood. Its wide-ranging   significant barriers, such as living in poor neighborhoods with high incarceration rates, foster
      programs include early childhood education for at-risk infants, toddlers, and preschoolers;   care involvement, histories of truancy and/or poor school performance, and no employment
      year-round youth development; mental  health  treatment  and crisis intervention; abuse  and   experience or network to provide access to career development opportunities. Our model is
      neglect prevention; comprehensive family support, including support for expecting parents; and   designed to inspire youth at a critical crossroads. Our goals are two-fold: to reduce recidivism
      permanent supportive housing. ABC develops and implements innovative, research-based, and   and cultivate our youths’ desire for change and love of learning. exalt intervenes at a pivotal
      replicable models that seek to break the cycles of poverty.                     time to support youth academically, reduce further legal involvement, and integrate them into
                                                                                      the economic mainstream.
      Gretchen has guided ABC with an unflinching commitment to serve the most vulnerable
      children, who are the most likely to miss out on the services they need. Her work over the past   Under the leadership of CEO  Gisele Castro, the organization  successfully  completed an
      four decades has changed state and federal policies to better protect children, as well as establish   ambitious three-year scaling plan in FY22 that included moving exalt to its first headquarters,
      replicable and scalable models. Gretchen is a leader in the truest sense. She inspires everyone   further expanding the physical space at 17 Battery Place, quadrupling the number of youth
      she meets with the same passion that she has for the lives, hopes, and dreams of vulnerable   served, tripling the number of staff, and growing the organization’s budget and infrastructure, to
      children and their families. She has been advocating for change for over forty years, but her   successfully transition exalt to its midlife cycle. Leading exalt has come with the responsibility
      enthusiasm for her work is stronger than ever.                                  to lean into innovation and anticipate challenges, enabling exalt to be solution-oriented. Gisele
                                                                                      is committed to creating thriving conditions for young people and scaling exalt to meet the
                                                                                      demands of this century in New York City and beyond.

      Adam Green, Founder & Executive Director                                        Linda Beigel Schulman, Founder
      Rocking the Boat                                                                Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund
      812 Edgewater Road, Bronx, NY 10474                                             8 Hart Place, Dix Hills, NY 11746
      (718) 466-5799 |                                         (631) 796-0440 |
      In 1998, Adam Green led the building of a wooden boat as an afterschool project with the   I established the Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund on February 16, 2018, two days after my son
      teenagers who lived a southwest Bronx settlement house, and never stopped. Rocking the Boat   Scott was murdered in the Parkland High School massacre. After Scott’s murder, I had a
      is a Youth Development organization delivering its underserved community transformative   choice to mourn Scott’s death or celebrate his life. I choose the latter.
      educational programming. Situated on the Bronx River estuary, Rocking the Boat leads year-  The mission of SJBMF is to send at-risk, underserved children touched by gun violence to
      round activities rooted in access, enjoyment, and conservation of this neighborhood river.     summer sleep-away camp, giving them a positive path. This is a combination of Scott's love
      In the organization’s model, wooden boatbuilding, sailing, and environmental research and   of camp with his love for children. These children would never experience camp if not for the
      restoration are powerful tools for education, empowerment, and long-term engagement. The   Fund.
      impact of Rocking the Boat’s programs follows participants from introductory programs for
      middle  school students, through an intensive high  school afterschool program,  to ongoing   I committed myself to changing children’s lives through summer sleep-away camp. Many of
      college and alumni support.                                                     our children come from Domestic Violence Shelters, Homeless Shelters, or Single Parent
                                                                                      Homes. These campers’ lives are changed by experiencing summer sleep-away camp and going
      Benefitting from his unique perspective as Rocking the Boat’s founder, Adam is wholly dedicated   forward they can help better their community.
      to and protective of the organization’s mission. Rocking the Boat participants develop pride,   Giving children the opportunity to attend summer sleep-away  camp allows  them to be off
      purpose, and possibility by learning the unique and lifelong skills behind building and rowing   the streets, be carefree, learn and be far away from gang activity. This is what I call “Pre-
      wooden boats, sailing, and restoring the Bronx River. We create community, teach through   Habilitation”. We want  to reach  these  impressionable  and  vulnerable children  before they
      transformative experiences, and make nature available to everyone, inspiring young people to   become involved with guns and gangs.
      determine their own future against a backdrop of systemic inequity. The program has evolved
      and gained breadth over its 25-year history, yet its mission has remained constant.  Our mission is to prevent children from being caught up in the Criminal Justice System because
                                                                                      they see no positive alternative. In camp they learn to trust, feel safe and secure while feeling
                                                                                      a sense of community and responsibility with children of different ethnicities, religions, and
                                                                                      cultures. Children are our future. SJBMF will send these children back each year to reinforce
                                                                                      this message.
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