Page 25 - NYC Imagine Awards Journal
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Leadership Excellence
Maria Martinez, Director of Client Services Katrena Perou, Executive Director
Domestic Violence Project at the Urban Justice Center Inspiring Minds NYC
40 Rector St., 9 Floor, New York, NY 10006 1130 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11216
(833) 321-4387 | (516) 375-3703 |
In 2019, Katrena Perou founded IMNYC to create a community-driven model in Bedford-
The Domestic Violence Project (DVP) helps survivors of intimate partner violence and their children Stuyvesant. This initiative aims to connect high school students with their community through
live free from abuse. DVP considers intimate partner violence nothing less than a human
rights violation – regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, socioeconomic or leadership sessions focusing on identity, wellness, and civic engagement. Partnering with NYC
schools, this initiative operates during school hours and after school, culminating with our
immigration status, age, or otherwise. We help more than 1,600 survivors annually to not only
address their immediate needs, but also to rebuild their lives both practically and emotionally. IMConnected Shark Tank competition and youth-led city-wide youth conference.
Our holistic services include legal consultation, advocacy, and representation in Family Law Katrena, having never worked for a nonprofit led by the community it served, took a leap of
and Immigration Law matters; robust case management; financial, housing, and benefits faith and left her job to build one in her own neighborhood. After receiving her first grant,
educational workshops; and support groups. she led a focus group of 40 students from the Boys and Girls High School Campus and
learned they felt disconnected from their community. In response, she created a culturally
Above all, we want survivors to feel empowered – a value truly embodied by our Director of responsive leadership institute, engaging youth with community leaders through workshops and
Client Services, Maria Martinez. She revolutionized how we provide Client Services, crucial conferences.
to a survivor’s long-term success. Everything starts with the client and their self-defined goals. Her model was adopted across Brooklyn by My Brother’s Keeper, impacting 47 high schools
Maria constantly seeks to learn more about what survivors are experiencing, and she uses that and the citywide Young Women’s Empowerment Program, which supports 150 girls from
to create new services – developing new pipelines to resources, leading workshops for skill- 18 schools. Additionally, she provided seed funding and guidance for 38 teens to launch
building, and establishing safe spaces for survivors to build community together. In the words of community-focused businesses, which they have the choice of continuing as they transition
a client: “First, I would like to tell Maria thank you very much for everything because in this program I feel to college.
happy and relaxed because they took me into account and listened to everything that I have been through in
my life...I am very happy to have found this place and to Maria because when I was sad, I knew that I was Despite pandemic challenges, Katrena increased her organization’s revenue from $125,000 in
not the only one.” 2019 to $2.1 million in 2024 due to her resilience and innovative approach to engaging youth
from underserved communities. She recently advocated through a Chalkbeat article about how
city payment delays harm BIPOC-led nonprofits, which led to expedited payments and broader
discussions on systemic improvement.
Corinne Hammons, President & CEO Dr. Cecelia McCarton, Founder & Executive Director
Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York McCarton Foundation for Developmental Disabilities
630 Flushing Ave, 3 Floor Mailbox #58, Brooklyn, New York, 11206 1909 Longfellow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10460
(718) 526-9150 | (347) 497-3998 |
Corinne Hammons is a dynamic leader dedicated to transforming lives as the President and
CEO of Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York. Little Flower is a nonprofit Internationally recognized as a leading expert in diagnosing and treating children with
organization that since 1929 has been committed to improving the lives and well-being of developmental disorders, Dr. Cecelia McCarton has transformed the lives of thousands of
children, youth, families, and adults across NYC and Long Island so they can thrive. children globally through her work as a developmental pediatrician, researcher, and lecturer.
Over the past 50 years, Dr. McCarton has founded several renowned institutions, including
Our staff of more than 500 builds well-being by providing prevention services, foster care, the McCarton Center for Developmental Pediatrics, McCarton School for children with autism,
residential treatment care, adoption services, medical and mental health services, and and Children’s Academy for children with speech and language learning delays. Her innovative
programs and services for individuals with developmental disabilities. As a Sanctuary-certified integrated clinical model, which combines speech therapy, occupational therapy, and applied
organization, Little Flower is committed to promoting safety and recovery from adversity behavior analysis (ABA), set the standard for treating children with developmental disabilities.
through the active creation of a trauma-informed community. Little Flower is also accredited
through The Council on Accreditation (COA), an international, independent, nonprofit, human Driven by the belief that all children deserve the right to reach their full potential, Dr. McCarton
service accrediting organization. launched the McCarton Center Bronx, the McCarton Foundation’s first public program, in
Focusing on implementing a strategic vision and mission-driven services for the people we 2018. The center was created to fulfill the Foundation’s mission of providing exceptional care
serve, Corinne ensures the organization's long-term sustainability and effectiveness. She brought to children with autism in underserved communities. The center serves over 300 children and
the historic St. John's Residence for Boys under Little Flower's wing as a legal affiliate in 2019. has provided life-changing services to more than 1,800 children and their families. By focusing
on love, care, and clinical excellence, the McCarton Center Bronx has become a transformative
Corinne’s expertise in strategic thinking, risk management, and crisis response has been resource for the Bronx community. Under Dr. McCarton’s leadership, the center continues to
instrumental in developing innovative programs that help families reach their full potential. expand its reach, meeting the growing demand for autism services and ensuring every child has
She is passionate about mentoring emerging leaders, fostering career pathways, and driving the opportunity to unlock their full potential.
organizational growth. Her collaborative spirit shines through her active participation with peer
organizations, aiming to enhance leadership development and innovation.
Corinne Hammons embodies a blend of strategic vision, passionate leadership, and a
commitment to empowering communities, making her a recognized innovator in the field of
human services.
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