Page 27 - NYC Imagine Awards Journal
P. 27

Diversity,Equity,Inclusion,& Accessibility

 Patricia Abitabile, Institutional Giving Officer  Sam Schaeffer, Chief Executive Officer
 Birch Family Services, Inc.  Center for Employment Opportunities, Inc. (CEO)
 104 West 29th Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10001  50 Broadway, Suite 1604, New York, NY 10004
 (212) 616-1800 |  (212) 422-4430 |
 Birch Family Services empowers 2,000 New Yorkers with autism and other developmental   Our mission  at the  Center  for  Employment  Opportunities  (CEO) is  to  provide  immediate,
 disabilities to lead fulfilling  lives. From preschool through adult transition services, Birch   effective, and comprehensive employment services to individuals with criminal convictions who
 proudly provides 31 program locations in some of the most under-resourced communities in   have recently returned home from incarceration. As a national leader in reentry employment
 New York City and our dedicated staff represents the diversity of the community we serve,   services, we aim to dismantle systemic barriers and create opportunities for justice-impacted
 including individuals from various backgrounds and abilities. Founded in 1975 as a school   individuals. We believe that everyone, regardless of their past, deserves the chance to shape a
 in Queens, Birch has expanded to meet the growing needs of the developmental disabilities   stronger future for themselves, their family, and their communities.
 community by launching additional schools, day habilitation centers, residential programs, and
 an employment program.   Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility is reflected in our innovative
      programming, which includes a DEI training series, an Emerging Leaders Program that extends
 To ensure valued outcomes for the individuals in our programs, Birch uses a person-centered   full-time paid internships to people in reentry, our inclusive hiring practices, and our employee-
 approach to allow individuals and families to have a voice in determining the types of services   led Affinity Groups. With 31 locations nationwide, CEO prepares justice-impacted individuals
 they receive and how  they receive them. As we reflect on our achievements over the past   with  the support  and resources needed  to  find  a sustainable career and achieve social and
 48 years, we acknowledge that the struggle for equity and inclusion remains ongoing. Birch   economic mobility.
 continues to champion the civil rights of the individuals we support and their families, whether
 it be in areas of education, home and community living, or employment. Our mission has
 always included safeguarding rights, amplifying voices, creating pathways for equal access and
 opportunity, and ensuring the availability of essential resources.

 Birch envisions a world where people with autism and other developmental  disabilities are
 celebrated for their abilities, uniqueness, and potential.

 Lovisa Brown, Executive Director  Pamela Ruth Judd, President
 Exreme Kids and Crew  IMPACTability, Inc.
 145 Brooklyn Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213  Bronx, NY
 (347) 410-6050 |  718-530-3500 |
 Extreme Kids and Crew serves over 600  neurodivergent youth and their families annually.   IMPACTability’s mission is to fight for equal access to employment opportunities for college
 We foster an inclusive and supportive community for young people aged 7-21 facing various   students with disabilities. Their employment outlook is bleak: only 1 in 4 obtain employment
 disabilities, including ADHD, autism, cerebral  palsy, Down syndrome, and  intellectual   after graduating. We pursue our mission at the City University of New York, the largest urban
 disabilities. Diversity is at the core of what we do. We work with families from all socioeconomic   university system in the U.S. Our all-volunteer nonprofit is certified by the National Disability
 backgrounds, encompassing BIPOC, white immigrants, English language learners, LGBTQI+   Mentoring Coalition.
 members, and those in multigenerational or single-parent households.  IMPACTability integrates Diversity into CareerReady!, our free, online 10-session career
      readiness and  mentoring certificate  program. We bring students  from multiple  generations,
 Amidst the bustle of New York City, our families often encounter exclusion and isolation,   identities, and campuses into one united cohort. Structured mentoring connects students
 especially when seeking affordable and accommodating recreational activities. EKC provides   with experienced professionals from over 20 industries. We bridge disability communities by
 a haven for neurodivergent youth to build community without judgment or condescension.   supporting students with visible and invisible disabilities.
 In a city where most disability programs focus on singular needs or diagnoses, EKC's unique
 approach of partnering with community-based organizations emphasizes inclusivity and   A top barrier that college students with disabilities face is the lack of employment opportunities.
 recreation to provide social-emotional learning opportunities to bridge the gap for many youth   IMPACTability incorporates Equity by highlighting disability hiring programs and internship
 with disabilities.  resources. We build partnerships with federal and corporate professionals to promote students
      for internships.
 EKC stands out in a city with limited accessible programs and scarce opportunities for families   We showcase Inclusion through Disability Advocacy, which focuses on the ADA, disclosing
 of children with disabilities to connect. We offer a brave and welcoming community space where   at  interviews  and  crafting  an  accommodations script.  CareerReady! reduces  isolation.  Self-
 proof of diagnosis, income, or immigration status is never a barrier to participation. Extreme   confidence grows as students engage in activities that peers without disabilities routinely
 Kids and Crew is a lifeline for countless families to celebrate and nurture the extraordinary   experience, such as having a polished resume and attending job fairs.
 abilities of their children and ensure that they are seen, known, and heard.
      Accessible learning happens through peer feedback, community posting, tapping into a central
      resource library, and submitting deliverables through a convenient portal. From transferable life
      skills to acing the interview, here’s what one student liked best: “The program helped me to prepare
      for getting a job and be an advocate for my future.”
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