Page 56 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 56


     B    oard  meetings  should  be  structured  The  Board  Chair  and  Chief  Executive  of  the   In addition to board members having knowledge  Effective board meetings are essential to meeting
          effectively  to  allow  board  members  organization  should  communicate  and  work
                                                                                   of the organization and its industry, a board should  an organization’s mission. A detailed agenda for
          to  connect  with  the  mission  of  the  together to determine the key agenda items and   be comprised of members that collectively possess  board meetings that allows enough time to discuss
    organization  and  encourage  a  commitment  to  make sure that all board members are prepared to   budgeting,  financial  management,  fundraising,  key  items  and  a  consent  agenda  for  other  non-
    achieving  organizational  goals.  Some  practices  discuss the important issues when they attend the   human resources, and legal skills. The nominating  essential items is a start to making sure meetings
    that contribute to effective board meetings include  meeting. The Chief Executive should contribute   committee,  or  existing  members  of  the  board,  are kept on course. Having a diverse board with
    time management, a clear agenda, prioritization,  items to the agenda that the board would otherwise   should  seek  potential  members  to  adequately  varied skills and experience, and enough turnover
    preparation, and a diverse board with appropriate  be unaware of, such as organizational challenges   represent all skills.   in board members to introduce fresh perspectives,
    turnover.                             and triumphs, risks, and other prospective matters.                            fosters discussion and new ideas, which lead to
                                          The  composition  of  the  board,  including  the   Managing  the  composition  of  a  board’s  skills,  positive impact for an organization.
    An effective board meeting begins with appropriate  number  of  board  members,  essential  skills   experience, and education is an ongoing process.
    time  management.  A  consent  agenda  including  possessed,  and  board  terms  will  also  help   The board should evaluate its current status and
    items that require formal board approval, but no  board  meetings  be  productive  and  support  the   plan  for  the  future  by  considering  the  length
    further discussion, should be used to reduce time  organization in meeting its goals. The size of the   of  time  members  and  officers  have  served.
    spent  on  ancillary  tasks.  With  less  time  spent  board  should  strike  a  balance  between  different   Continuity  of  board  members  brings  historical
    on  passive  agenda  items,  the  board  will  remain  professional and personal experiences, while still   knowledge  of  the  organization  which  can  be
    engaged  with  more  critical  issues.  A  meeting  affording everyone the opportunity to be involved   useful  in  future  decision  making.  Alternatively,
    agenda should be formulated to prioritize tasks,  in  the  decision  making  process.  A  small  board   turnover  results  in  fresh  ideas  and  a  different
    and  an  appropriate  amount  of  time  should  be  may  be  limited  in  perspective  and  could  place   approach  to  reaching  organizational  goals.  In
    allotted to discuss and debate each matter. Items  too  much  burden  on  each  individual.  A  large   general, it is a best practice to limit board terms
    that  require  a  board  vote  should  be  highlighted  board will be more diverse but less likely to make   to allow for a rotation of board members that will
    to ensure they are addressed. Prior to the board  decisions  quickly  and  adjust  to  change.  With  a   have something additional to bring to the table.
    meeting,  the  agenda,  supporting  information  large board, committees can be used to focus on
    for  discussion  items,  and  any  other  relevant  specific areas and report to the entire board, thus
    data  should  be  distributed  to  board  members  streamlining the level of time needed to vet out
    with  ample  time  to  prepare  and  formulate  their  issues.
    thoughts.  All  board  members  should  consider
    it  their  responsibility  to  review  the  material
    provided and come to the meeting prepared.

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