Page 64 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 64
H aving diverse perspectives on your
nonprofit’s board of directors is
critically important. Each person THE IMPORTANCE OF DEI IN THE POWER OF DIVERSITY
brings their own personal and professional NONPROFIT GOVERNANCE
contacts and life experiences to their service
on a nonprofit board. With a diversity of Research shows that diverse teams drive ► Better Decision-Making: Diverse
experience, expertise, and perspectives, innovation and achieve better outcomes. perspectives enable boards to identify
a nonprofit is in a stronger position to The same applies to nonprofit boards. When a full range of opportunities and risks
advance equity, plan for the future, make board members bring diverse perspectives, when making critical decisions.
prudent decisions, and take full advantage they enhance decision-making, better ► Enhanced Connections: A diverse
of opportunities. reflect the community served, and foster board reflects the community it serves,
creativity in addressing challenges. facilitating access to community
UNDERSTANDING DIVERSITY, resources, partnerships, and donor
► Improved Adaptability: Diversity
Diversity encompasses a wide range of Assessment: Begin by assessing your helps nonprofits navigate external
personal characteristics and backgrounds, board’s current diversity and inclusion changes effectively, ensuring relevance
including race, ethnicity, gender identity, practices. Conduct surveys or focus groups
sexual orientation, religion, class, language, to understand perceptions and identify in dynamic environments.
and more. It asks: Who is present? Whose areas for improvement. ► Preventing Stagnation: Diverse boards
experiences shape our discussions? avoid becoming insular, fostering
Recruitment: Intentionally recruit board innovation and growth through fresh
Inclusion is the intentional effort members from diverse backgrounds. perspectives and ideas.
to create a welcoming environment Expand your network beyond traditional ► Support for Leadership: For leaders
where everyone feels valued and can circles to include voices that reflect your from underrepresented backgrounds, a
contribute meaningfully. It asks: Who is community’s diversity. diverse board provides crucial support
participating? Are all voices heard and and validation.
respected? Retention: Once diverse members are
onboard, ensure they feel valued and ► Deeper Insights: Diversity ensures
Equity involves fair treatment by included. Foster a culture where all a deeper understanding of the lived
acknowledging and addressing historical perspectives are respected and contribute to experiences of constituents and the
disparities to ensure everyone has access to decision-making processes. broader community, enriching decision-
opportunities. It asks: Does everyone have making and programmatic relevance.
a fair chance? How can we dismantle
63 barriers? 64