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2. To promote and foster cooperation among all members of the   The Benefits for THA’s Members
                                                          1. General Benefits :
            3. To support and assist members in solving problems including      Acknowledge news and information relating to hotel business and
         negotiating with outsiders for the mutual benefit of the member’s   tourism industry from Thai Hotels Association, Central and 6 Regional
         enterprises.                                     Chapters across the country by circular notice, THA’s monthly journal (THA
                                                          News) and government and private institutes such as Tourism Authority
            4. To foster the spirit of unity and exchange knowledge, opinions and   of Thailand
         techniques as well as information concerning hotel business and tourism      1. Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), The Board of Investment of
         industry.                                        Thailand (BOI), Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), etc.

            5. To protect and promote mutual benefits.       2. Acknowledge THA’s news, hotel members’ information and be able
                                                          to directly contact THA via internet channel at and
            6. To cooperate and coordinate with government and private sectors     email
         e.g. organizations, associations, juristic person, or any person when the
         Association deems that such cooperation will assist or provide facilities      3. Attend THA’s annual meeting to acknowledge the THA’s operating
         in the fulfillment of the Association’s objectives.  result and express opinion and give advice for further development of
                                                          THA’s operation
            7. To propagate and  publicize Association’s activities as well as
         information concerning hotel business and tourism industry.     4. Attend the general meeting of THA’s members arranged every
                                                          two months to acknowledge all THA’s activities that will directly benefit
            8. To conduct training programs and seminars in the field of hotel    member, Member has a right to express their opinions or make a complaint
         business and tourism industry.                   to THA’s board of committees including attending special discussion in the
                                                          topic relating to hotel business and tourism industry from knowledgeable
            9. To carry on any kind of business with the aims of promoting and   person
         increasing benefits of the members
                                                          2. Official Benefits :
            10. To clarify and make proposal to government a help in solving      1. Being supported on any matter relating to THA’s objectives by THA
         problems and obstacles in connection with hotel business and tourism   as capable
                                                             2. Have a right to express opinion or give advice to association or
            11. To cooperate with the government in promoting hotel business   THA’s board of committees on any matter relevant to THA’s objectives
         with regard to a good standard and in concurrence with the  government’s
         policy.                                             3. Have a right to propose and push forward law or regulation relating
                                                          to hotel business and tourism industry via Thai Hotels Association to
            12. To make agreements or set mutual regulations for the members   benefit the members
         to follow to refrain from any practices, all for the good of the member’s
         business.                                           4. Be able to join Hotel Rating System

            13. To settle dispute in business between fellow members, or between      5. Being supported for hotel’s activities across the country for the
         members and outsiders.                           overall tourism industry’s benefits
            14. To arrange sales promotion, domestically and internationally.     6. Thai Hotels Association becomes foreign institutes or organization’s
                                                          members to acknowledge news, information and activities to benefit THA’s
            15. To join in any charitable activities or make contribution to charity   members and tourism industry as follows
         for public welfare and national security.           - Asean Tourism Association (ASEANTA)
                                                             - Asean Hotel & Restaurant Association (AHRA)

                                                                             THAILAND OFFICIAL HOTELS DIRECTORY 2018   11

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