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Message from the President
Thai Hotels Association
Nature has endowed Thailand with fantastic climate changes from season
to season as can be gauged from variety of landscapes and ecosystems
throughout the country which in itself is blessed with the traditions of an
exotic cultures and colorful scenes of a tropical setting, blending into a
magical formula through creativity, imagination and flair to produce unique
experiences found no where else. Thailand has for many years evolved
not just one of the most popular tourist destinations but also as an ideal
choice of a prime venue for organizers of international events worldwide.
In order to help visitors finding accommodation which suits every budget
in Thailand, we take great pleasure in providing all the details and useful
guide as much as possible for each individual to access our hotels and
resorts which are scattered all over the country.
In this Thailand Official Hotels Directory 2018, you will find that we offer
visitors a wide range of accommodation that suits individual needs. Each
hotel reference is completed with the latest modern facilities and up-to-
date information on various aspects and pictures that you need to look
at before making your choice either for business or holiday in Thailand.
Whatever your preferences you finally may decide, you will find that
CMY Thailand has it all.
Thai Hotels Association and its members would like to extend a warm
welcome of traditional Thai hospitality to all visitors and we can assure you
that we will make our every endeavor for you to have the most memorable
experience during your stay in Thailand.
Convenient location, Chaweng Beach
Comfortable accommodation.
TRULY ! Friendly service
Supawan Tanomkieatipume
IYARA BEACH HOTEL & PLAZA Thai Hotels Association
90/13-16 Moo2 Chaweng Beach, Bophut, Koh Samui
Suratthani 84320, Thailand
Tel : (66-77) 231 631 ( 9 lines ), Fax : (66-77) 231 642
E-mail : info@, sales@, 4 THAILAND OFFICIAL HOTELS DIRECTORY 2018
Message 2018.indd 4 4/5/2561 BE 6:18 PM