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Message from the President Majestic.pdf 1 11/11/2558 13:19:37
Green Leaf Foundation
Natural resources and environment are the main factors in the operation
of various industries, especially in the tourism industry with hotel business
playing a key role of high consumer in natural resources. The environmental
impact of tourism industry has inspired a group of individuals, consisting of
six organizations, namely the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand,
Tourism Authority of Thailand, Metropolitan Water Works Authority,
United Nations Environment Program, Thai Hotels Association and the
Association for Development of Environment Quality to establish the
Green Leaf Foundation to help hotels improve their business in energy
conservation and environmental protection under the theme: Save Money,
Save Environment. C
Currently Green Leaf Foundation has undertaken the work in processing
the environment project that is the Green Leaf Certification project which
has received positive responses from the operators and members of the
tourism industry and the development of Smoke-Free hotels to become
Health Promotion hotels project. There are now over 700 members in
this project. This is a result of promoting tourism business to develop its
service process toward health promotion. CY
The Green Leaf Foundation and all organizations in alliance with this project
invite tourists and service operators to support tourism by being more
attentive on the environment, natural resources and activities befitting
the principals of sustainable tourism.
Supawan Tanomkieatipume Dr. Suvit Yodmani
President President
Thai Hotels Association Green Leaf Foundation
Message 2018.indd 5 4/5/2561 BE 6:18 PM